Sunday, June 7, 2009

Can Braces Cause Tmj?


Something has changed.

In my life, I mean.
Then I decided that something I had to stop, and I chose this blog.
mouse has long been on the window, "delete this blog and all content."
Then I thought that a blog is like a cell phone, just do not respond to rest easy, no need to throw it away.
I also thought that a blog is like a souvenir photo album and an album so you can not throw out, partly because it is not only mine, it's a bit of all those who were there, which were photographed. ..

Then the blog is, will fill di ragnatele, si dimenticherà. Ma tra qualche anno quando tornerò a visitarlo (così come voi) i ricordi saranno bellissimi.

Questo è il mio ultimo post, lo dedico a mia sorella Marida, morta ieri tra le mie braccia.

Can Braces Cause Tmj?


Something has changed.

In my life, I mean.
Then I decided that something I had to stop, and I chose this blog.
mouse has long been on the window, "delete this blog and all content."
Then I thought that a blog is like a cell phone, just do not respond to rest easy, no need to throw it away.
I also thought that a blog is like a souvenir photo album and an album so you can not throw out, partly because it is not only mine, it's a bit of all those who were there, which were photographed. ..

Then the blog is, will fill di ragnatele, si dimenticherà. Ma tra qualche anno quando tornerò a visitarlo (così come voi) i ricordi saranno bellissimi.

Questo è il mio ultimo post, lo dedico a mia sorella Marida, morta ieri tra le mie braccia.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Optive Eye Drop For Contct Lenses

sometimes come back ....

Si, dovevo dirlo e, soprattutto, dovevo farlo.

In quest'ultimo week end, elena ed io siamo stati in camargue, per cercare un pò di relax.
Siamo filosoficamente un pò lontani dal tango già da qualche mese e quindi non siamo partiti dicendoci: "niente tango in questo week end".
Era implicito.
Anche se vedo elenuzza che spinge verso tango, sometimes can take me to milonga and every time I come back satisfied.

Sunday afternoon in a hotel, let us click the blood clot and a milonga. Delirious tango, in full withdrawal, thirsty for tango!
We find a milonga in Nimes (by the exquisite Pedro) and head covering, like the old days, like 60 km 6 and dance till you drop.
We met many friends, some known to trielle, others somewhere.
One of them tells me that continues to come on the blog every day. And I, of course, I feel a little Merdin ....
Why do I see the hit counter that there are friends who are every day and expect me to do something. And I do not do anything.
who read me in recent months knows that the return trips, for me, are manna philosophical.
About 400 km, many thoughts.
I come.
course, early rust will not be leaving with the thousands of internships and the many milongas, but I get back.
not only for the tango, not only for the blog, especially for friends.
elenuzza And, most recently danced with the dachshund, while dancing.
Friday evening we have a show with friends giokitango ( in Genoa in the magnificent Villa Piantelli.
I can say I'm back, without to speak ....

The next stage will do, is to Sabine and Julio ( are lofty and friends, what I want more?
I embrace you and ... I'll see you at the milonga!

Optive Eye Drop For Contct Lenses

sometimes come back ....

Si, dovevo dirlo e, soprattutto, dovevo farlo.

In quest'ultimo week end, elena ed io siamo stati in camargue, per cercare un pò di relax.
Siamo filosoficamente un pò lontani dal tango già da qualche mese e quindi non siamo partiti dicendoci: "niente tango in questo week end".
Era implicito.
Anche se vedo elenuzza che spinge verso tango, sometimes can take me to milonga and every time I come back satisfied.

Sunday afternoon in a hotel, let us click the blood clot and a milonga. Delirious tango, in full withdrawal, thirsty for tango!
We find a milonga in Nimes (by the exquisite Pedro) and head covering, like the old days, like 60 km 6 and dance till you drop.
We met many friends, some known to trielle, others somewhere.
One of them tells me that continues to come on the blog every day. And I, of course, I feel a little Merdin ....
Why do I see the hit counter that there are friends who are every day and expect me to do something. And I do not do anything.
who read me in recent months knows that the return trips, for me, are manna philosophical.
About 400 km, many thoughts.
I come.
course, early rust will not be leaving with the thousands of internships and the many milongas, but I get back.
not only for the tango, not only for the blog, especially for friends.
elenuzza And, most recently danced with the dachshund, while dancing.
Friday evening we have a show with friends giokitango ( in Genoa in the magnificent Villa Piantelli.
I can say I'm back, without to speak ....

The next stage will do, is to Sabine and Julio ( are lofty and friends, what I want more?
I embrace you and ... I'll see you at the milonga!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Incest Gay 'dad Or Father'


peter pan, I love you ...

Incest Gay 'dad Or Father'


peter pan, I love you ...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tan Before Wax Or Wax Before Tan?


the best party?
that where I am .....

Tan Before Wax Or Wax Before Tan?


the best party?
that where I am .....

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spanish Flea Tv Theme Tune

birthdays .....

During those days when I turned 45, the blog he takes one, and has 10,000 visits a round.

Questo blog è figlio delle mie passioni, e proprio in questo periodo (maledetta cabala) io sono lontano da loro.

Lascio fare, lascio scorrere, basso profilo.

Attendo, come ho imparato a fare, un nuovo allineamento dei pianeti....

Intanto, diecimila grazie per le vostre visite.


Spanish Flea Tv Theme Tune

birthdays .....

During those days when I turned 45, the blog he takes one, and has 10,000 visits a round.

Questo blog è figlio delle mie passioni, e proprio in questo periodo (maledetta cabala) io sono lontano da loro.

Lascio fare, lascio scorrere, basso profilo.

Attendo, come ho imparato a fare, un nuovo allineamento dei pianeti....

Intanto, diecimila grazie per le vostre visite.
