Sunday, June 7, 2009

Can Braces Cause Tmj?


Something has changed.

In my life, I mean.
Then I decided that something I had to stop, and I chose this blog.
mouse has long been on the window, "delete this blog and all content."
Then I thought that a blog is like a cell phone, just do not respond to rest easy, no need to throw it away.
I also thought that a blog is like a souvenir photo album and an album so you can not throw out, partly because it is not only mine, it's a bit of all those who were there, which were photographed. ..

Then the blog is, will fill di ragnatele, si dimenticherà. Ma tra qualche anno quando tornerò a visitarlo (così come voi) i ricordi saranno bellissimi.

Questo è il mio ultimo post, lo dedico a mia sorella Marida, morta ieri tra le mie braccia.

Can Braces Cause Tmj?


Something has changed.

In my life, I mean.
Then I decided that something I had to stop, and I chose this blog.
mouse has long been on the window, "delete this blog and all content."
Then I thought that a blog is like a cell phone, just do not respond to rest easy, no need to throw it away.
I also thought that a blog is like a souvenir photo album and an album so you can not throw out, partly because it is not only mine, it's a bit of all those who were there, which were photographed. ..

Then the blog is, will fill di ragnatele, si dimenticherà. Ma tra qualche anno quando tornerò a visitarlo (così come voi) i ricordi saranno bellissimi.

Questo è il mio ultimo post, lo dedico a mia sorella Marida, morta ieri tra le mie braccia.