Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gatsby Hair Wax Calgary

"the fourth Parousia" according tempo : "la barca di Schifio"

Nel 2008 è stato scelto il nostro progetto "Suf Panchina" da realizzare nel parco fluviale di S.Sofia , era stato il critico d'arte Renato Barilli a proporre la rosa di possibili progetti di artisti .
Dopo essere stati selezionati abbiamo promesso al critico Barilli  che con parte del guadagno della panchina di legno avremmo realizzato una scultura per il Dams che da tempo lui desiderava.
Ma quando finalmente arrivaronoi i soldi del nostro compenso i debiti e le esigenze economiche li hanno subito risucchiati!
Ma torniamo indietro nella seguente estate dopo la realizzazione della panchina.
After the exhibition in the gallery made "True Stoppioni" St. Sofia in order to inform our work in the country, we took various works exhibited in another exhibition in Gambettola in "imperfect laboratory, run by artists who work with great skill fiberglass.
Fascinated by their work and seeing the boats in front of their home, I immediately jumped to mind an idea for a sculpture from last year: a gondola with her head in front of disgust as a big mask, reminiscent of a bow feats old, and half a glass pyramid, also influenced by Jim Jarmusch film Dead Man with the beautiful soundtrack by Neil Young it felt like the ship of death, of the passage, I immediately asked them if they would be willing to implement it for the Dams, consented happy.
Schiff our character is a demon, like men, have the power of free will and can enslave the good or evil, was born in 2002, at the beginning I feared it, the first time was designed for an animated video where the character Suf from good became bad and he took the look.
Suf was born in 2000, is a child who wants to learn to draw the letters, but being little scope to become at least Sufficient performing this difficult discipline, has the distinction of having the magical age and size you want, over time then SUF is found that also means I'm an elf, in fact she is immersed in the natural world and is a friend of the creatures of the subtle worlds, his letters are a search, a compromise, a challenge, including a world severely simple style, "FIAT "and the convoluted nature, but all roads lead 'ergonomics of the potential.
His demon Schifano is therefore closely linked to the plant kingdom.
The ark was meant to be and is a work of art that connects the human realm to the plant: the boat for a renewed alliance, the boat of transformation, death to change and cleanse the human world on a journey di conoscenza e allontanamento da ogni paura cercando la "verità" di ogni uomo...
Anche nel  2008 , come ora, eravamo  senza studio così che per la mostra nel "laboratorio dell'imperfetto" abbiamo approffittato degli  spazi: invece di un solo quadro che dovevamo esporre siamo stati li a dipingerne  tre con gli  spray su moquette, loro, i ragazzi del posto, erano affascinati e ci hanno fatto la proposta di scambiare un nostro lavoro con la realizzazione della barca per il Dams , gli dissi che preferivo pagare il loro lavoro, perché  mi sembrava che dicessero così per generosità.
Nell'inverno Gino Gianuizzi della galleria Neon ci chiede di fare una mostra  a Milano, vedendo gli spazi della galleria mi è subito venuta in  mente la barca, mi sembrava proprio la casa delle barche.
Ho telefonato tempestivamente ai ragazzi dell'"imperfetto" chiedendogli se avevano tempo e se  erano disposti ancora allo scambio che mi avevano proposto...perché ...  i soldi non c'erano più. 
Alla Neon ho chiesto di pagare il trasporto di Schifo da Gambettola a Milano, da Milano a Bologna: al Dams.
Tutto benissimo!
In pochissimo tempo si è  organizzato.
Ho realizzato subito la barca in plastilina  come modellino e poi l'abbiamo studiata con gli esecutoroi "dell'imperfetto".
Loro avevano due barche da usare per poter fare la scultura, ho deciso per quella più grande con i seggiolini, scegliendo di cambiare il progetto, il primo pensiero era infatti di costruire dei seggiolini sui fianchi in modo che servisse da panchina intorno con  in mezzo il vuoto, ma visto che la barca aveva già dei seggiolini paralleli era meglio lasciarli così e bucare il sotto in modo che posata sulla terra non si fermasse l'acqua,
davanti e dietro sono stati attaccati due cilindri che sporgono  in basso per interrarla,  al loro interno si pianteranno due alberelli che rimangono sottili : un Calicantus che fiorisce perfuming in winter and a 'nothing to seek it blossom and scent in the fall, their function is to ground the ground the boat and complete the sculpture, these natural elements can be useful to the user who sits down to rest on seats in the boat.
These trees as the boat they wanted to represent travel between different planes of existence between life and death, the moments of autumn and winter 'alchemical change and apparent stagnation of life.

Maybe because they are artists but never happened to me to work so smoothly with the "artisans" flight to understand my needs and managed to give his real Schiff expression.
's indecision to fire paint it black or white was the most "levasonno!
the end I phoned Emanuel, the group coordinator, and I told her: "If the body has yet to paint the face white, otherwise it will remain black (as was the penultimate decision was taken).
Only in Milan when the boat went from big truck in front of the Neon Gallery> fdv I saw the color: black!
We installed above suspended by ropes attached to the high wall of the gallery, as if she sailed, and we were in the sea or the land that sustains it, the two holes at the ends where the barca dovrà incunearsi nella terra, abbiamo infilato dei rami altissimi di betulle che toccavano terra  stabilizzando così la barca sospesa .
Il 12 marzo 2009 abbiamo inaugurato.
A differenza della "Parusia numero uno" tenutasi a Bologna nella galleria Neon>Campobase dove era gremita di persone, qui a Milano c'era pochissima gente, Guido Molinari che curava la mostra era molto triste, e ha sospettato una sbagliata pubblicità.... povera Schifio! (infatti ad esempio Mario Gorni che gestisce la biblioteca li accanto non ne sapeva nulla!)
Però lei era bellissima....
Abbiamo invitato Barilli a vederla per potere poi portarla al Dams ..... ha trovato,  I think, an excuse: the rector of the university to change, and you could not put it somewhere in the meantime .... the truth is that he did not like, she even said she would be working with a small woman naked by fiberglass (like the one in the poster advertising the operation).
Oh! And now?! A little 'time there still is, Gino said it was the last show because they want to hunt that place ... we do a party for all those in Milan did not know (all except the three text messages that I have written to their loved ones because I was convinced that everyone was already aware), we "charge" Guido Molinari! So seeing the day of Gorni visit Barilli we agree to make the party even when it makes a Via Farini ....
But a few days later he calls me and tells me Gino's Neon cheaveva already planned an 'other shows conocomitanza with the feast of Via Farini and disgust must go ... now.

That panic, where I put it?

Sculpture illegal in Mazzini ... we care!
lunch from "Nature" meeting Daniel Porter, galleries, expose my problem and she is now ready to receive the boat in his garden in the hills of Bologna, while they change the Rector, etc. ... because it was not explicitly refusal to Barilli and then there was still hesitant about its possible location on the Dams, although in my heart already knew.
But the magic did not approve my book.
The boat arrived the next day in a city with a carrier that brought home to Gambettola other artifacts of the study "the imperfect" ... so that Gino, the gallery of the Neon, could spend a little 'less. ... until the day before we were in the dark! To not know what
Association ... maybe the hills where it was the home of Daniel Facchinato .... I thought the most beautiful place in the city, where I really wanted my work, it worked .... VILLA GHIGI!
Why does it seem like our occupied houses: tidy, broad, cross-energizing between man and nature, where every tree every flower has its own space and is in perfect balance with the rest, then dominating the city can project its power down on it. Telephone
immediately Elena with whom I have confidence because I was involved in the fields of Caltagirone in Sicily to make sculptures with architects and students ... beautiful!
tells me that the manager is reluctant to do new things and then all of a sudden ... is because the decision was taken at 'moment, she says she talks about it with other colleagues and the director and I can say.
I do not know miracle happened, but said so! I assume thanks to the enthusiasm of Helen, Silvia and Teresa, and even the magic of crap!
In the enthusiasm of the thoughts that grew and realized I was asking myself questions. Why
Schiff wanted to go to Villa Ghigi? It sure why you feel at home, as in our great and beautiful houses in the past, because she is the boat of death and transformation and wants to help a great change in the city, away from artificial lights, close to major ridges ... yes, he wants to work from up here up here and be admired by those who love nature peace life and death! It
wanted to get on the hills of the park of Villa Ghigi because it is the most harmonious of the city, it is clear where the 'balance of trees and meadows human and there may magnetize the city catalyzing "thoughts" and forces.

Where to position the boat? We got into the park to reflect on this, it was a day of black cloud, rain and sun alternated, trees and meadows gave their best. Arriving at the center of management of the park we got to talk, Claudio calls me to see the rainbow ... fell right on the ridge near the cypress trees ... it is them that will position the boat. (It had already happened for the second factory workers the same choice over the rainbow seen in a photograph taken before the evacuation from the previous works). A wonderful place where we are the only cypress villa Ghigi, where there is pine planted in honor of Mario Zanzani after his death, he 's the creator of Angelica, important music festivals in Italy, is the place dominating, overlooking the city below and left St. Luke, on the ridge, right on the border ....

The heart and mind in unison blaze of energy and happiness.
The next day April 21, on 'huge Tir, from Milan arrived in Bologna at the foot of Ghigi villa park, not to leave it on the road Teresa ("owner" of Villa Ghigi) applied to the first guest house on the right of the climb, even if by design: the only ground of Bologna VATICAN! Ricordiamocelo Schiff, is a demon in service of art, and as a result of the city of Bologna for our choice. But we will ?!... I always felt that Schiff made me take decisions quickly controlled by his will! It
them he was fine, we were all quiet.
takes 13 riders, the most pure of spirit, that lead up to arms .... The Fitzcarraldo Cuoghi Corsello had to take the hills as ... rito ...., Il viaggio della "quarta Parusia " è iniziato alla galleria Neon>campobase di Bologna il 28 febbraio 2009 ,in un'atra nostra personale, sembrava un  paesaggio padano- giapponese, la nebbia artefatta dilatava e compattava lo spazio da dove in fondo appariva grande calda luminescente  la scultura bianca gonfiabile di Suf "Sono Un Filosofo" ( costruita per  il festival della filosofia di Sassuolo), all'inizio dello spazio espositivo la scritta argento"degrado" gonfiata ad elio si alzava curvandosi nell'aria formando un portale, una musica di suoni elettronici di campane uccelli e altri suonirumori suggestionava l'atmosfera,  poi la "quarta Parusia " è andata in Milan with the boat ... and return to the park of Villa Ghigi.
Within days were chosen knights and Guido Molinari camaraman to shoot a video of the ceremony tiring.
As luck would have it the day chosen for the event were the same for my birthday on Sunday, April 26, 2009, and I am grateful!
A day of sun and light, the names of riders: 1 Captain 'disgrace, 2 Michael Levon, 3 Marco Pizzolato, 4 Matthew Monti, 5 Luca Baldini, Gianni Bandini 6, 7 Marco Rambaldi,
The Fatigue was a lot for men who have brought on the boat, but in the end they were happy, so happy.
They placed immediately that looked right in the middle of San Petronio, Piazza Maggiore.
We toasted with wine Pignoletto an organic farmer of the Modena hills.

After the newspaper articles you know the people shake and have written the graffiti on the glossy skin of crap .... but she is strong, she endures this and more, its sign carved decided dominated by any doodle.

I was lucky because I only met people who were enthusiastic about her, but managers villa Ghigi had "serious" complaints by some, although few people frequent the park.

After a month we planted the Calicantus back in the hole, but in the front we have seen that once sat on the boat would have hidden the views of the city, then it was decided to plant chrysanthemums of every year.

reach the final of the 'year, we went by boat to celebrate the change of disgust of the year, there was the fog that slowly is a bit' sparse, the full moon lit up the night the very sky and fog reflected the light like a dense gray matter around us, from the fireworks could be heard down the screaming bells, but the lights were weak and distant noise and the fires were only a few bright signs.
Schiff was torn in the back Calicantus where we had planted inside her hole, the tree had blossomed!
The first year, in the evening, we went to put the boat in its niche, surrounding the seedling with a card attached so that when he entered the hole in the boat does not ruin the branches, the moon could be seen between the various clouds and the distant city was now all lit up.

But after a week here we call it: the boat was torn from its two loculi and hurled down the hill decapitated the head.

So we realized that New Year's Eve we found it so because they are not disinfilarla also succeeded in the front where there was heavy to lift his head, thank goodness, at least we toasted with her!

The Mino Petazzini Ghigi Villa manager told me over the head is below the rate, hypothetical tree of 400 years, the oldest in the park, the rate is also called the tree of death.

of the boat What to do now? Surely restore it, even the Director has proposed in a meeting to ask the cost.
But you do not know if rinstallarla in the park because he rightly fears a confrontation, he would not, ever, with these violent people.

I trust that the people who frequent the park have loved so much and miss him, to give energy to restore the sculpture, defeating the weak closing to new feelings, the games that life presents us and enlighten us, because now he feels a great void in that field.

Going to investigate, I Claudius and Nicholas, the son of Teresa, as we have done away with even the Calicantus, then approaching the villa we did not hear the same old negative energy emanating, no longer feels the deposited something on the skin of the soul "cold sick ".
What has been the first task of this crap? With his sacrifice to leave the house by a certain evil and why not the city?!

half time!

Gatsby Hair Wax Calgary

"the fourth Parousia" according tempo : "la barca di Schifio"

Nel 2008 è stato scelto il nostro progetto "Suf Panchina" da realizzare nel parco fluviale di S.Sofia , era stato il critico d'arte Renato Barilli a proporre la rosa di possibili progetti di artisti .
Dopo essere stati selezionati abbiamo promesso al critico Barilli  che con parte del guadagno della panchina di legno avremmo realizzato una scultura per il Dams che da tempo lui desiderava.
Ma quando finalmente arrivaronoi i soldi del nostro compenso i debiti e le esigenze economiche li hanno subito risucchiati!
Ma torniamo indietro nella seguente estate dopo la realizzazione della panchina.
After the exhibition in the gallery made "True Stoppioni" St. Sofia in order to inform our work in the country, we took various works exhibited in another exhibition in Gambettola in "imperfect laboratory, run by artists who work with great skill fiberglass.
Fascinated by their work and seeing the boats in front of their home, I immediately jumped to mind an idea for a sculpture from last year: a gondola with her head in front of disgust as a big mask, reminiscent of a bow feats old, and half a glass pyramid, also influenced by Jim Jarmusch film Dead Man with the beautiful soundtrack by Neil Young it felt like the ship of death, of the passage, I immediately asked them if they would be willing to implement it for the Dams, consented happy.
Schiff our character is a demon, like men, have the power of free will and can enslave the good or evil, was born in 2002, at the beginning I feared it, the first time was designed for an animated video where the character Suf from good became bad and he took the look.
Suf was born in 2000, is a child who wants to learn to draw the letters, but being little scope to become at least Sufficient performing this difficult discipline, has the distinction of having the magical age and size you want, over time then SUF is found that also means I'm an elf, in fact she is immersed in the natural world and is a friend of the creatures of the subtle worlds, his letters are a search, a compromise, a challenge, including a world severely simple style, "FIAT "and the convoluted nature, but all roads lead 'ergonomics of the potential.
His demon Schifano is therefore closely linked to the plant kingdom.
The ark was meant to be and is a work of art that connects the human realm to the plant: the boat for a renewed alliance, the boat of transformation, death to change and cleanse the human world on a journey di conoscenza e allontanamento da ogni paura cercando la "verità" di ogni uomo...
Anche nel  2008 , come ora, eravamo  senza studio così che per la mostra nel "laboratorio dell'imperfetto" abbiamo approffittato degli  spazi: invece di un solo quadro che dovevamo esporre siamo stati li a dipingerne  tre con gli  spray su moquette, loro, i ragazzi del posto, erano affascinati e ci hanno fatto la proposta di scambiare un nostro lavoro con la realizzazione della barca per il Dams , gli dissi che preferivo pagare il loro lavoro, perché  mi sembrava che dicessero così per generosità.
Nell'inverno Gino Gianuizzi della galleria Neon ci chiede di fare una mostra  a Milano, vedendo gli spazi della galleria mi è subito venuta in  mente la barca, mi sembrava proprio la casa delle barche.
Ho telefonato tempestivamente ai ragazzi dell'"imperfetto" chiedendogli se avevano tempo e se  erano disposti ancora allo scambio che mi avevano proposto...perché ...  i soldi non c'erano più. 
Alla Neon ho chiesto di pagare il trasporto di Schifo da Gambettola a Milano, da Milano a Bologna: al Dams.
Tutto benissimo!
In pochissimo tempo si è  organizzato.
Ho realizzato subito la barca in plastilina  come modellino e poi l'abbiamo studiata con gli esecutoroi "dell'imperfetto".
Loro avevano due barche da usare per poter fare la scultura, ho deciso per quella più grande con i seggiolini, scegliendo di cambiare il progetto, il primo pensiero era infatti di costruire dei seggiolini sui fianchi in modo che servisse da panchina intorno con  in mezzo il vuoto, ma visto che la barca aveva già dei seggiolini paralleli era meglio lasciarli così e bucare il sotto in modo che posata sulla terra non si fermasse l'acqua,
davanti e dietro sono stati attaccati due cilindri che sporgono  in basso per interrarla,  al loro interno si pianteranno due alberelli che rimangono sottili : un Calicantus che fiorisce perfuming in winter and a 'nothing to seek it blossom and scent in the fall, their function is to ground the ground the boat and complete the sculpture, these natural elements can be useful to the user who sits down to rest on seats in the boat.
These trees as the boat they wanted to represent travel between different planes of existence between life and death, the moments of autumn and winter 'alchemical change and apparent stagnation of life.

Maybe because they are artists but never happened to me to work so smoothly with the "artisans" flight to understand my needs and managed to give his real Schiff expression.
's indecision to fire paint it black or white was the most "levasonno!
the end I phoned Emanuel, the group coordinator, and I told her: "If the body has yet to paint the face white, otherwise it will remain black (as was the penultimate decision was taken).
Only in Milan when the boat went from big truck in front of the Neon Gallery> fdv I saw the color: black!
We installed above suspended by ropes attached to the high wall of the gallery, as if she sailed, and we were in the sea or the land that sustains it, the two holes at the ends where the barca dovrà incunearsi nella terra, abbiamo infilato dei rami altissimi di betulle che toccavano terra  stabilizzando così la barca sospesa .
Il 12 marzo 2009 abbiamo inaugurato.
A differenza della "Parusia numero uno" tenutasi a Bologna nella galleria Neon>Campobase dove era gremita di persone, qui a Milano c'era pochissima gente, Guido Molinari che curava la mostra era molto triste, e ha sospettato una sbagliata pubblicità.... povera Schifio! (infatti ad esempio Mario Gorni che gestisce la biblioteca li accanto non ne sapeva nulla!)
Però lei era bellissima....
Abbiamo invitato Barilli a vederla per potere poi portarla al Dams ..... ha trovato,  I think, an excuse: the rector of the university to change, and you could not put it somewhere in the meantime .... the truth is that he did not like, she even said she would be working with a small woman naked by fiberglass (like the one in the poster advertising the operation).
Oh! And now?! A little 'time there still is, Gino said it was the last show because they want to hunt that place ... we do a party for all those in Milan did not know (all except the three text messages that I have written to their loved ones because I was convinced that everyone was already aware), we "charge" Guido Molinari! So seeing the day of Gorni visit Barilli we agree to make the party even when it makes a Via Farini ....
But a few days later he calls me and tells me Gino's Neon cheaveva already planned an 'other shows conocomitanza with the feast of Via Farini and disgust must go ... now.

That panic, where I put it?

Sculpture illegal in Mazzini ... we care!
lunch from "Nature" meeting Daniel Porter, galleries, expose my problem and she is now ready to receive the boat in his garden in the hills of Bologna, while they change the Rector, etc. ... because it was not explicitly refusal to Barilli and then there was still hesitant about its possible location on the Dams, although in my heart already knew.
But the magic did not approve my book.
The boat arrived the next day in a city with a carrier that brought home to Gambettola other artifacts of the study "the imperfect" ... so that Gino, the gallery of the Neon, could spend a little 'less. ... until the day before we were in the dark! To not know what
Association ... maybe the hills where it was the home of Daniel Facchinato .... I thought the most beautiful place in the city, where I really wanted my work, it worked .... VILLA GHIGI!
Why does it seem like our occupied houses: tidy, broad, cross-energizing between man and nature, where every tree every flower has its own space and is in perfect balance with the rest, then dominating the city can project its power down on it. Telephone
immediately Elena with whom I have confidence because I was involved in the fields of Caltagirone in Sicily to make sculptures with architects and students ... beautiful!
tells me that the manager is reluctant to do new things and then all of a sudden ... is because the decision was taken at 'moment, she says she talks about it with other colleagues and the director and I can say.
I do not know miracle happened, but said so! I assume thanks to the enthusiasm of Helen, Silvia and Teresa, and even the magic of crap!
In the enthusiasm of the thoughts that grew and realized I was asking myself questions. Why
Schiff wanted to go to Villa Ghigi? It sure why you feel at home, as in our great and beautiful houses in the past, because she is the boat of death and transformation and wants to help a great change in the city, away from artificial lights, close to major ridges ... yes, he wants to work from up here up here and be admired by those who love nature peace life and death! It
wanted to get on the hills of the park of Villa Ghigi because it is the most harmonious of the city, it is clear where the 'balance of trees and meadows human and there may magnetize the city catalyzing "thoughts" and forces.

Where to position the boat? We got into the park to reflect on this, it was a day of black cloud, rain and sun alternated, trees and meadows gave their best. Arriving at the center of management of the park we got to talk, Claudio calls me to see the rainbow ... fell right on the ridge near the cypress trees ... it is them that will position the boat. (It had already happened for the second factory workers the same choice over the rainbow seen in a photograph taken before the evacuation from the previous works). A wonderful place where we are the only cypress villa Ghigi, where there is pine planted in honor of Mario Zanzani after his death, he 's the creator of Angelica, important music festivals in Italy, is the place dominating, overlooking the city below and left St. Luke, on the ridge, right on the border ....

The heart and mind in unison blaze of energy and happiness.
The next day April 21, on 'huge Tir, from Milan arrived in Bologna at the foot of Ghigi villa park, not to leave it on the road Teresa ("owner" of Villa Ghigi) applied to the first guest house on the right of the climb, even if by design: the only ground of Bologna VATICAN! Ricordiamocelo Schiff, is a demon in service of art, and as a result of the city of Bologna for our choice. But we will ?!... I always felt that Schiff made me take decisions quickly controlled by his will! It
them he was fine, we were all quiet.
takes 13 riders, the most pure of spirit, that lead up to arms .... The Fitzcarraldo Cuoghi Corsello had to take the hills as ... rito ...., Il viaggio della "quarta Parusia " è iniziato alla galleria Neon>campobase di Bologna il 28 febbraio 2009 ,in un'atra nostra personale, sembrava un  paesaggio padano- giapponese, la nebbia artefatta dilatava e compattava lo spazio da dove in fondo appariva grande calda luminescente  la scultura bianca gonfiabile di Suf "Sono Un Filosofo" ( costruita per  il festival della filosofia di Sassuolo), all'inizio dello spazio espositivo la scritta argento"degrado" gonfiata ad elio si alzava curvandosi nell'aria formando un portale, una musica di suoni elettronici di campane uccelli e altri suonirumori suggestionava l'atmosfera,  poi la "quarta Parusia " è andata in Milan with the boat ... and return to the park of Villa Ghigi.
Within days were chosen knights and Guido Molinari camaraman to shoot a video of the ceremony tiring.
As luck would have it the day chosen for the event were the same for my birthday on Sunday, April 26, 2009, and I am grateful!
A day of sun and light, the names of riders: 1 Captain 'disgrace, 2 Michael Levon, 3 Marco Pizzolato, 4 Matthew Monti, 5 Luca Baldini, Gianni Bandini 6, 7 Marco Rambaldi,
The Fatigue was a lot for men who have brought on the boat, but in the end they were happy, so happy.
They placed immediately that looked right in the middle of San Petronio, Piazza Maggiore.
We toasted with wine Pignoletto an organic farmer of the Modena hills.

After the newspaper articles you know the people shake and have written the graffiti on the glossy skin of crap .... but she is strong, she endures this and more, its sign carved decided dominated by any doodle.

I was lucky because I only met people who were enthusiastic about her, but managers villa Ghigi had "serious" complaints by some, although few people frequent the park.

After a month we planted the Calicantus back in the hole, but in the front we have seen that once sat on the boat would have hidden the views of the city, then it was decided to plant chrysanthemums of every year.

reach the final of the 'year, we went by boat to celebrate the change of disgust of the year, there was the fog that slowly is a bit' sparse, the full moon lit up the night the very sky and fog reflected the light like a dense gray matter around us, from the fireworks could be heard down the screaming bells, but the lights were weak and distant noise and the fires were only a few bright signs.
Schiff was torn in the back Calicantus where we had planted inside her hole, the tree had blossomed!
The first year, in the evening, we went to put the boat in its niche, surrounding the seedling with a card attached so that when he entered the hole in the boat does not ruin the branches, the moon could be seen between the various clouds and the distant city was now all lit up.

But after a week here we call it: the boat was torn from its two loculi and hurled down the hill decapitated the head.

So we realized that New Year's Eve we found it so because they are not disinfilarla also succeeded in the front where there was heavy to lift his head, thank goodness, at least we toasted with her!

The Mino Petazzini Ghigi Villa manager told me over the head is below the rate, hypothetical tree of 400 years, the oldest in the park, the rate is also called the tree of death.

of the boat What to do now? Surely restore it, even the Director has proposed in a meeting to ask the cost.
But you do not know if rinstallarla in the park because he rightly fears a confrontation, he would not, ever, with these violent people.

I trust that the people who frequent the park have loved so much and miss him, to give energy to restore the sculpture, defeating the weak closing to new feelings, the games that life presents us and enlighten us, because now he feels a great void in that field.

Going to investigate, I Claudius and Nicholas, the son of Teresa, as we have done away with even the Calicantus, then approaching the villa we did not hear the same old negative energy emanating, no longer feels the deposited something on the skin of the soul "cold sick ".
What has been the first task of this crap? With his sacrifice to leave the house by a certain evil and why not the city?!

half time!