Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hp Bios Update To Enable Onboard Vga And Pci

CUOGHI Corsello Corsello Corsello Elena Forin


Stavo  lavorando, dopo molto tempo che non la disegnavo, sul personaggio di "Suf!" quando Gianfranco Maraniello ci ha chiesto di pensare a qualcosa per il manifesto sul trentesimo anniversario della strage di Bologna del 2 agosto.
Guardano l'espressione attonita,  perplessa di "suf!" mi sembrava adattissima per rappresentare l ' inquietudine lo stupore che il ricordo di questo avvenimento sollecita, il suo sguardo spalancato รจ perso nel vuoto, assente, but at the same time is also very present, it may seem alarmed surprise, or flattened out, is a naive view of a child who looks at the world but it is wise, his fear is overcome by indifference but opens his eyes to look at the world.
Then I pointed out the phrase with a question mark on top of his head, referring to the whole "mystery" around these inhuman acts, "but why?".
The circle of the question falls on its face, is the third eye: an opening to a new better look deeper, we want to wish the design you can see, understand.

Suf! was born at the beginning of the new millennium: in 2001, is a child who wants to learn to do graffiti with the letters, but denied ever having been writing wants to be at least SUF-ficente, why he chose this name.
How magical feature can be as large and as long as you want.

We wanted to design a simple graphic symbol that is read from a distance and remain impressed.

Monica Cuoghi


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