Saturday, October 23, 2010

How Mush Is 1 Mb Of Cellular

Il Convegno dei "Vati"

This week's update brief and concise because (almost) all managers of teams HT-boss found themselves at a conference in the town of Green Gavardo S / C (on LCIS).
Judging from how I left it would have saved the Hotel but certainly not sparing the exchange of tips and tactics on the rest of the season ...... or not!?


Sporting 4-1 Cugnano Scarwars
A first time conviction SW umpteenth disastrous defeat of the season. The men of Barima, embarrassed and afraid, do not see the ball throughout the first portion, with the exception of dell'occasionissima Pedrabissi, cover 1-0. In the second half, when the Sporting eased morsa, si è rivista una squadra più convinta che ha giocato alla pari con l'avversario. Ancora una volta i rossoblu regalano 45' all'avversario, troppo per poter sperare di cavarsela contro squadre di questo calibro.
Villar Petosa 2-0 Vach

Callagana 3-2 Gladiator

Ginuxfc 9-0 huggies

Solo una sgambata per la truppa di Gheorghiu , che gioca sul velluto con forse l'ultimo dei bot di VIIa. Per una volta prende maggior importanza la sconfitta della terza in classifica, unica possibile avversaria per la promozione. Ora basterà vincere la prossima partita e la ciambella avrà anche il suo buco.
A proposito di buchi, the fortune has never been lacking this season to ginusiani, and reason for this is rumored that the evil coach has found a way to send the god Hattrick a good supply of mixed meats in the holy man is greedy, including the legendary " Culatello of Transylvania. " Corruption?. But no, only the exchange of courtesies ... And if you get caught? Well, we hope that the Hon .(!?) Alfano has also thought of him as this is pork, and a beautiful brushed retrospective on ... Devil of a Romanian!
Virle United 1-1 FC Guinness
Cambo 3-2 Lioness
Kobram 3-1 New Tell
pitos 1-3 RezzatoVeneto

BS-Bauluss 8-0 panzanella


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