Thursday, March 3, 2011

Getting Wrinkles Out Of Nylon


Ponteginori - SAN LAZZARO 2-1

is' yes, after the ugly defeat Ponteginori, the obligation is that of a fast response and above all see different team with a wild desire to win and not the ghost that we saw Saturday Ponteginori.

Fortunately, the results of the other fields, they gave us a great help otherwise we would be here in a comment campionato buttato via.

In campo Fabio in porta, Leo libero con Pinzo e Massi marcatori Ale e Nari sulle fasce, nel mezzo Giulino Furo e Ab, davanti la coppia Yari&Ucce, in panchina si rivedono alcuni volti importanti della squadra Picchia e Lucio. La squadra, pur avendo gli stessi giocatori è una lontana parente di quella che solo 7 giorni fa aveva asfaltato il Venturina. Passa un minuto e i padroni di casa sono già in svantaggio, Leo si fa sverniciare dall'esterno avversario che davanti porta può solo insaccare. San Lazzaro in confusione mentale non riesce a creare azioni e pericoli al Ponteginori che amministra il risultato. Al 15esimo brutto infortunio per Fabino, che in uscita si fa male al mignolo, sembrava una frattura, examinations but fortunately found a lussazizone, it will have for a month, good luck on the part of the whole team. In its place within Torello, time to resume the game that doubles the Bridge, Torello and out bad tumble on Massi, 8 of the bridge can only bag into an empty net, 2a0 Bridge.

Paul then immediately put into Lucius, instead of Ab, and the St. Lazarus tries to exploit the phenomenon, but is always played in high balls and it is easy for the careful defense of averting the dangers of the bridge, in the one blaze San Lazzaro passes into the recovery, Al flies to the right and tries a shot, a real raptor Uccea trajectory enters and puts into it.

The real disappointment in this game is was just the second time, when the team had to find the right drive to overturn the result, very few actions worthy of note, only kicks badly drawn. Bridge has played outnumbered most of the second half but the San Lazzaro was unable to find the legs to get a draw that would have been gold !!!!! In a final note also the mass expulsion for a second yellow card!.

Now everything depends on us, we play all 3 games! Since August we are working for our dream and now out of the balls already in the difficult game Saturday with cotton, this team has already shown that the difficulties it has proved able to react, and then Thursday all the training loads and Saturday to win at Piombino. FORZAAAA

Special thanks to all the fans who followed us Saturday cher!

Fabini 6 (TORO 5.5) 5 LEO (PICC 6) MASSI 5.5 PLIERS 6 NARI ALE 5 6 (SHORT CRUST PASTRY 6) AB 5.5 (LUCIO 6) Furo 6 (ORIO 6) GIULINI 5 5 YARI Uccea 6.5


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