Saturday, September 25, 2010

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Guerrieri di oggi, soldati di domani

Dopo la non brillante giornata di sabato scorso, le squadre Hattrickrezzatesi erano chiamate ad un pronto riscatto.
Elmetto e alabarda (spaziale), eccole tutte in campo con un ghigno da guerriero che, spesso, si adduce a chi vende cara the skin, rather the ball to the end.
will be to welcome a new member Baulus's Soldiers (ed-that is where I do not find in Hattrick?) But our own, we want them as a pugnacious, fielding and soul attributes like true warriors.
The result? In truth
someone there to let the attributes, but overall there was a reaction, along with some confirmation. However, the road is drawn, who comes back is ... at least look over!
Scarwars Stargate
1-5 defeat without appeal to the rossoblu of Barima that fall within the walls of friends. The resistance of a SW hard time, call and response at 37 'and 1-1 range. The collapse in the second half with 4 goals embedded without resistance. Fans aside, the expectations for the race were not so high, but it is clear, three defeats in a row are not well-wishing and the square bubbles. Among the negative notes yet another injury, Berar hit hard, out on a stretcher, he will for a while '. Return match next week, already announced Barima "-match", it is to pull up the morale to face a second round with a knife between his teeth, is an honor to defend. The promotion, that is the property of others, fans aside, everyone knew from the outset, it should be 'to explain it.
Villar 0-1 Atletico Sora
Virle United 1-0 Tioman
Callagan 2-1 Cippo
Chei di Bresse 1-2 Ginux
Prova gagliarda dei ragazzi di Ginuxfc, nonostante tutta la partita giocata in inferiorità numerica per l'espulsione, al 7' del primo tempo, del terzino Niederlechner.
Questo il Gheorghiu-bike pensiero: "Mi sento di fare i complimenti ai miei uomini per aver compreso che la salita è dura, ma lo è ancor di più se la si vuol fare al passo degli altri. Per ora è importante arrivare in cima poi dovremo solo stare attenti alle forature". Che sia stato compagno di banco di Cipollini?

A.C. Rat 5-4 Leonessa
A.C.V. 5-0 RezzatoVeneto
Houston N. 4-0 Nuova Dite
Sardiniaforever 0-5 Baulus' Soldiers


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