Friday, January 29, 2010

Pokemon Ruby Rare Candy In Pc

MetroLugano "the concept of" circular

is the 'project' for a true regional underground: we called MetroLugano [ML] . This is a unique path that connects all the major public buildings of the city and, of course, the center itself. A line, without transhipment and without difficulty, reach every place: go to any one stop for the achievement of any other.
In a previous post (January 21) was shown by the extension FLP Lugano FFS in Cornwall, passing through Ricordone (Hospital area). In that article has been stressed the importance of such places and relevant and that it would join.

one presented here, however, is an extension of the same, which also includes the gallery Molinazzo-Lugano Centre and its extension, passing through the embankment, to Cornwall. As is well known (at present), the first phase of the tramway provides for the creation of the first section only to Cornwall, leaving Grange to a second phase. A third phase would be the auction Molinazzo at the train station of Lamone-Cadempino. It is the concept known as "H" (its form once completed).
This concept, as well as to provide for the elimination of trafficking main focus of this site, NON prevede di servire il comparto di Ricordone (Ospedale Regionale, Cardiocentro), lasciando, di fatto, incompleto il progetto stesso (essendo l'unica grande struttura a rimanerne esclusa).
Il 'progetto' MetroLugano, invece, propone:
  1. il mantenimento della tratta Lugano–Sorengo–Molinazzo;
  2. l'integrazione del comparto di Ricordone;
  3. la trasformazione in metropolitana, più che in tranvia.
La mappa che segue illustra il concetto:

[clic per ingrandire]

Naturalmente la scelta del percorso è qui indicativa, nel senso che il tunnel e l'accesso alla fermata di Molinazzo potrebbero essere anche più spostati a nord, e così altri piccoli dettagli. In ogni caso, il tracciato illustrato è quello che propone di utilizzare il più possibile il percorso ferroviario esistente.

Ecco l'elenco delle stazioni [fermate], ordinate a partire da Agno (il resto rimane invariato fino a Ponte Tresa), con le principali strutture pubbliche situate nelle immediate vicinanze di ciascuna di esse:
  • Agno
  • Aeroporto [nuova, eventuale]
    > Aeroporto
  • Serocca
  • Bioggio
  • Molinazzo
    > [P+R Ovest]*
  • Cappella-Agnuzzo
  • Laghetto
  • Sorengo
  • Tassino [nuova]
  • Lugano Stazione FFS [nuova]
    > Stazione FFS/TILO, [Campus SUPSI]*
  • Ricordone [nuova]
    > Ospedale Regionale, Cardiocentro
  • Cornaredo [nuova]
    > Stadio, Palazzo del ghiaccio (Resega) , Cinecentro,
    > [Palazzetto dello sport]*, Scuole di Trevano,
    > [Centro nazionale di calcolo]*, [P+R Nord]*
  • Fola [nuova]
    > Cimitero
  • Luganetto [nuova]
    > University Regional Hospital (Italian) ,
    > [Campus SUPSI] * Other schools
  • Campo Marzio [new]
    > Exhibition Center, Seaside, High School, Canton Library,
    > Porto related activities, City Park, East P + R
  • Lugano Centre [new]
    > city bus station [and regional] *
  • Molinazzo
    > [West P + R] *
  • then continue up Bridge Tresa
And vice versa, of course!
[The * indicates that these projects or proposals].
is the same map with all stops (except for the airport, which will be dedicated to a separate article):

[click to enlarge]
Some technical detail:
All the new path should be double track and trains to travel right across the board (FLP line current is left). In the gallery would be in the drawn-Lugano Centre Molinazzo and Tassin-Cornwall, with its underground stations (4 in total). The stretch
outdoors, instead, everything would be established separately, with level crossings. In particular, from exit ramp of Cornwall (approximately at Via Fiume, Pregassona) the tracks run along the river on the left bank, in its own headquarters; Cassarate Bridge (which needs to be rebuilt) the tracks cross the intersection with Viale Cattaneo, and again in their home, they walk down the tree near the City Park (the perimeter of the park will be back) after the intersection of Independence Square and take the new ramp that brings the line underground to reach the stop in Lugano Centre .
With this solution, the whole path is completely separate place, apart from the crossings. Another solution, more economical, would be to establish the route on the Via Ciani, Viale Cassarate, Viale Cattaneo purchè queste strade vengano chiuse a tutto il traffico privato: in questo modo anche la fermata di Cornaredo potrebbe essere in superficie.
> La domanda di trasporto nell'area servita (centro, nord, sud-ovest) è così completa: vengono collegati fra loro e col centro città i principali luoghi di interesse pubblico. La rete può in ogni caso espandersi ulteriormente, a tappe.
Rispetto al concetto ad H (o anche solo alla 1a tappa della tranvia in discussione), il concetto MetroLugano offre un'alternativa completa e
I futuri allacciamenti verso Grancia, l'Aeroporto e Lamone-Cadempino FFS, saranno trattati in prossimi post.

Pokemon Ruby Rare Candy In Pc

MetroLugano "the concept of" circular

is the 'project' for a true regional underground: we called MetroLugano [ML] . This is a unique path that connects all the major public buildings of the city and, of course, the center itself. A line, without transhipment and without difficulty, reach every place: go to any one stop for the achievement of any other.
In a previous post (January 21) was shown by the extension FLP Lugano FFS in Cornwall, passing through Ricordone (Hospital area). In that article has been stressed the importance of such places and relevant and that it would join.

one presented here, however, is an extension of the same, which also includes the gallery Molinazzo-Lugano Centre and its extension, passing through the embankment, to Cornwall. As is well known (at present), the first phase of the tramway provides for the creation of the first section only to Cornwall, leaving Grange to a second phase. A third phase would be the auction Molinazzo at the train station of Lamone-Cadempino. It is the concept known as "H" (its form once completed).
This concept, as well as to provide for the elimination of trafficking main focus of this site, NON prevede di servire il comparto di Ricordone (Ospedale Regionale, Cardiocentro), lasciando, di fatto, incompleto il progetto stesso (essendo l'unica grande struttura a rimanerne esclusa).
Il 'progetto' MetroLugano, invece, propone:
  1. il mantenimento della tratta Lugano–Sorengo–Molinazzo;
  2. l'integrazione del comparto di Ricordone;
  3. la trasformazione in metropolitana, più che in tranvia.
La mappa che segue illustra il concetto:

[clic per ingrandire]

Naturalmente la scelta del percorso è qui indicativa, nel senso che il tunnel e l'accesso alla fermata di Molinazzo potrebbero essere anche più spostati a nord, e così altri piccoli dettagli. In ogni caso, il tracciato illustrato è quello che propone di utilizzare il più possibile il percorso ferroviario esistente.

Ecco l'elenco delle stazioni [fermate], ordinate a partire da Agno (il resto rimane invariato fino a Ponte Tresa), con le principali strutture pubbliche situate nelle immediate vicinanze di ciascuna di esse:
  • Agno
  • Aeroporto [nuova, eventuale]
    > Aeroporto
  • Serocca
  • Bioggio
  • Molinazzo
    > [P+R Ovest]*
  • Cappella-Agnuzzo
  • Laghetto
  • Sorengo
  • Tassino [nuova]
  • Lugano Stazione FFS [nuova]
    > Stazione FFS/TILO, [Campus SUPSI]*
  • Ricordone [nuova]
    > Ospedale Regionale, Cardiocentro
  • Cornaredo [nuova]
    > Stadio, Palazzo del ghiaccio (Resega) , Cinecentro,
    > [Palazzetto dello sport]*, Scuole di Trevano,
    > [Centro nazionale di calcolo]*, [P+R Nord]*
  • Fola [nuova]
    > Cimitero
  • Luganetto [nuova]
    > University Regional Hospital (Italian) ,
    > [Campus SUPSI] * Other schools
  • Campo Marzio [new]
    > Exhibition Center, Seaside, High School, Canton Library,
    > Porto related activities, City Park, East P + R
  • Lugano Centre [new]
    > city bus station [and regional] *
  • Molinazzo
    > [West P + R] *
  • then continue up Bridge Tresa
And vice versa, of course!
[The * indicates that these projects or proposals].
is the same map with all stops (except for the airport, which will be dedicated to a separate article):

[click to enlarge]
Some technical detail:
All the new path should be double track and trains to travel right across the board (FLP line current is left). In the gallery would be in the drawn-Lugano Centre Molinazzo and Tassin-Cornwall, with its underground stations (4 in total). The stretch
outdoors, instead, everything would be established separately, with level crossings. In particular, from exit ramp of Cornwall (approximately at Via Fiume, Pregassona) the tracks run along the river on the left bank, in its own headquarters; Cassarate Bridge (which needs to be rebuilt) the tracks cross the intersection with Viale Cattaneo, and again in their home, they walk down the tree near the City Park (the perimeter of the park will be back) after the intersection of Independence Square and take the new ramp that brings the line underground to reach the stop in Lugano Centre .
With this solution, the whole path is completely separate place, apart from the crossings. Another solution, more economical, would be to establish the route on the Via Ciani, Viale Cassarate, Viale Cattaneo purchè queste strade vengano chiuse a tutto il traffico privato: in questo modo anche la fermata di Cornaredo potrebbe essere in superficie.
> La domanda di trasporto nell'area servita (centro, nord, sud-ovest) è così completa: vengono collegati fra loro e col centro città i principali luoghi di interesse pubblico. La rete può in ogni caso espandersi ulteriormente, a tappe.
Rispetto al concetto ad H (o anche solo alla 1a tappa della tranvia in discussione), il concetto MetroLugano offre un'alternativa completa e
I futuri allacciamenti verso Grancia, l'Aeroporto e Lamone-Cadempino FFS, saranno trattati in prossimi post.

Baby Shower Diaper Raffle Sayings

Scrivono di questo blog e di questa iniziativa:
[clic per ingrandire]
[29 gennaio 2010]
[28 gennaio 2010]
[28 gennaio 2010]

thank the editors wish them good luck!
Stephen A. Vizzola

Baby Shower Diaper Raffle Sayings

Scrivono di questo blog e di questa iniziativa:
[clic per ingrandire]
[29 gennaio 2010]
[28 gennaio 2010]
[28 gennaio 2010]

thank the editors wish them good luck!
Stephen A. Vizzola

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hamilton Beach Hb-p90d23al Reviews

Press Press Press

write this blog and this initiative:
[click to enlarge]

I thank the editors and I wish them good luck!
Stephen A. Vizzola

Hamilton Beach Hb-p90d23al Reviews

Press Press Press

write this blog and this initiative:
[click to enlarge]

I thank the editors and I wish them good luck!
Stephen A. Vizzola

Erotic Korean Actresses

publish a copy of the press release sent today, January 27, 2010, to all major media regional information:

[click to enlarge]

Erotic Korean Actresses

publish a copy of the press release sent today, January 27, 2010, to all major media regional information:

[click to enlarge]

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Milena Velba With Vicky

Letter of recommendation from our blog to dept. cantonal, municipal agencies, associations, political parties

publish a copy of and letter of intent sent today, January 26, 2010, to: public office (Department of Natural Resources, Municipalities), institutions, organizations and associations involved in tourism, transport, environment, cultural heritage, local problems, the major parties politicians.

[click to enlarge]

Milena Velba With Vicky

Letter of recommendation from our blog to dept. cantonal, municipal agencies, associations, political parties

publish a copy of and letter of intent sent today, January 26, 2010, to: public office (Department of Natural Resources, Municipalities), institutions, organizations and associations involved in tourism, transport, environment, cultural heritage, local problems, the major parties politicians.

[click to enlarge]

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pictocross Newgrounds

Letter of recommendation from our blog to SA Railways Luganesi

publish a copy of the letter and intent sent today, January 25, 2010, the SA Railways Luganesi:

[click to enlarge]

Pictocross Newgrounds

Letter of recommendation from our blog to SA Railways Luganesi

publish a copy of the letter and intent sent today, January 25, 2010, the SA Railways Luganesi:

[click to enlarge]