Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Manfrotto 3221 Weight


Round "southeast"

ASD San \u200b\u200bLazzaro - Enjoy Coffee 5-1

GS Amat. MobilSoldi Suvereto - Uisp Venturina Calidario 0-2

Gigi Sport - ASD Querceto 2-0

Serrazzano ASD - ASD Saline 0-2

GS Solvay Ponteginori - Arci Cotton 0-1

Manfrotto 3221 Weight


Round "southeast"

ASD San \u200b\u200bLazzaro - Enjoy Coffee 5-1

GS Amat. MobilSoldi Suvereto - Uisp Venturina Calidario 0-2

Gigi Sport - ASD Querceto 2-0

Serrazzano ASD - ASD Saline 0-2

GS Solvay Ponteginori - Arci Cotton 0-1

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Increased Hemoglobin/hematocrit In Dogs

Simoniana al via

E' cominciata ieri la nuova stagione, la prima, della Simoniana, il nuovo team del patron Simu, nata dalla ceneri dei Baulus' Soldiers.
C'erano tutti, tifosi ed ex tifosi (quelli che per ora non hanno digerito il cambio societario), giornalisti e curiosi alla presentazione della squadra. La cerimonia si è svolta davanti ai cantieri del nuovo stadio, Alimathà. Il catino che ospiterà le sfide interne del team granata non è altro che il vecchio B-Stadium completamente rinnovato. Oltre a qualche posto a sedere in più, la vera novità saranno i tanti spazi commerciali che lo renderanno polo attrattivo 7 giorni su 7, la chicca senz'altro un'area totalmente ambientata in stile maldiviano.
La squadra al completo, presentata by the owner, has raised the enthusiasm of the public come, the most celebrated were the captain and striker Mascellani Alesi, who now wore a new jacket, shirt with white shorts grenade, the official one, and white suit for the challenges Away .
Montichiari for the evening departure from Moscow, home of the pre-season retreat. First task the friendly against PFC Superconductors.

Increased Hemoglobin/hematocrit In Dogs

Simoniana al via

E' cominciata ieri la nuova stagione, la prima, della Simoniana, il nuovo team del patron Simu, nata dalla ceneri dei Baulus' Soldiers.
C'erano tutti, tifosi ed ex tifosi (quelli che per ora non hanno digerito il cambio societario), giornalisti e curiosi alla presentazione della squadra. La cerimonia si è svolta davanti ai cantieri del nuovo stadio, Alimathà. Il catino che ospiterà le sfide interne del team granata non è altro che il vecchio B-Stadium completamente rinnovato. Oltre a qualche posto a sedere in più, la vera novità saranno i tanti spazi commerciali che lo renderanno polo attrattivo 7 giorni su 7, la chicca senz'altro un'area totalmente ambientata in stile maldiviano.
La squadra al completo, presentata by the owner, has raised the enthusiasm of the public come, the most celebrated were the captain and striker Mascellani Alesi, who now wore a new jacket, shirt with white shorts grenade, the official one, and white suit for the challenges Away .
Montichiari for the evening departure from Moscow, home of the pre-season retreat. First task the friendly against PFC Superconductors.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Can Genital Warts Be On Stomache


Ginuxfc The company announced the replacement coach.
Nothing dramatic or unexpected, you already knew that at the end of the season Mr. Gheorghiu was retired and they did. Hold
certain tensions and certain rhythms is not easy at a certain age. The sosituisce his second, Mr. Cabra, which is the biggest "good luck" of the whole society, including players. A

Gheorghiu, who signed the most beautiful pages of the "young" company Via XXV Aprile, a huge thank you e. .. a package holiday in Madagascar a few weeks to pull the tail to sea turtles, but I know, even the pretty "colored" island's native island. Always attentive to fashion, seems to have been equipped with special patches to put on the cheek, said that with those you "catch" more of a Romanian .... Hell!

Can Genital Warts Be On Stomache


Ginuxfc The company announced the replacement coach.
Nothing dramatic or unexpected, you already knew that at the end of the season Mr. Gheorghiu was retired and they did. Hold
certain tensions and certain rhythms is not easy at a certain age. The sosituisce his second, Mr. Cabra, which is the biggest "good luck" of the whole society, including players. A

Gheorghiu, who signed the most beautiful pages of the "young" company Via XXV Aprile, a huge thank you e. .. a package holiday in Madagascar a few weeks to pull the tail to sea turtles, but I know, even the pretty "colored" island's native island. Always attentive to fashion, seems to have been equipped with special patches to put on the cheek, said that with those you "catch" more of a Romanian .... Hell!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mosquito Bite Or Herpes

Let's try till the end ...

VENTURINA 22: SUVERETO - Ponteginori

SALINE 22: Serrazzano - gigi sport


in the big games away

Mosquito Bite Or Herpes

Let's try till the end ...

VENTURINA 22: SUVERETO - Ponteginori

SALINE 22: Serrazzano - gigi sport


in the big games away

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hentaï With High Heals


SAN LAZZARO - ENJOY ore 14.30 ore 13.30 al campo!!

  9. NIOSI
  11. SULCIS
  12. ROMANI
  14. NARI
  15. CUREA
  16. CALLAI

Hentaï With High Heals


SAN LAZZARO - ENJOY ore 14.30 ore 13.30 al campo!!

  9. NIOSI
  11. SULCIS
  12. ROMANI
  14. NARI
  15. CUREA
  16. CALLAI

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How To Claim Money With No Relatives Living



With this trim you see the San Lazzaro catapulted to third place, and now it's really hard for the children of Mr. Paul must win both remaining two games and hope for a halt to both the Venturina of Saline.

San Lazzaro with Toro in the door, and Leo Pinz Frollo in defense, Orio Ab Furo center Julius and Nari on front chest and Yari Uccea. San Lazzaro

The contract is playing badly and often loses the superiority in midfield, although guests never fail to make an action worthy of note, the same goes for the bosses di casa che comunque almeno provano a creare qualcosa di pericoloso.

A fine primo tempo arriva il vantaggio dei padroni di casa, pallone che sfila fuori di almeno un metro, l'attacante ci prova uguale la mette in mezzo dove arriva il cnetravantiu del cotone che mette dentro l'1a0. Gol IRREGOLARISSIMO, l'arbitro dice di non aver visto ma è un gol che peserà molto in questo campionato.

Secondo tempo esce Orio deludente per il Diffa, e il San Lazzaro cerca di il pareggio in tutti i modi, sbaglia 3 occasioni clamorose con Ucce, Yari e Marchino Nari e subisce il contropiede avversario più volte. Il San Lazzaro arriva al pareggio con un eurogol di pinzo che scocca una fiaccola da fuori area su cui il portiere non può fare nulla. The San Lazzaro would also blow of the KO but Yari wasted tired. The draw takes on a small glimmer of hope, now we are united because whatever happens there is a season to end and all should honor this glorious shirt! CHILDREN UNDER

report cards ds
GREG 6 - 6 SHORT CRUST PASTRY PLIERS MAD 5.5 6.5 - 5.5 AB Furo NIOS 5 6 ORIO 5 (DIFF 6) NARI 5 - 5 YARI Uccea 5.5

How To Claim Money With No Relatives Living



With this trim you see the San Lazzaro catapulted to third place, and now it's really hard for the children of Mr. Paul must win both remaining two games and hope for a halt to both the Venturina of Saline.

San Lazzaro with Toro in the door, and Leo Pinz Frollo in defense, Orio Ab Furo center Julius and Nari on front chest and Yari Uccea. San Lazzaro

The contract is playing badly and often loses the superiority in midfield, although guests never fail to make an action worthy of note, the same goes for the bosses di casa che comunque almeno provano a creare qualcosa di pericoloso.

A fine primo tempo arriva il vantaggio dei padroni di casa, pallone che sfila fuori di almeno un metro, l'attacante ci prova uguale la mette in mezzo dove arriva il cnetravantiu del cotone che mette dentro l'1a0. Gol IRREGOLARISSIMO, l'arbitro dice di non aver visto ma è un gol che peserà molto in questo campionato.

Secondo tempo esce Orio deludente per il Diffa, e il San Lazzaro cerca di il pareggio in tutti i modi, sbaglia 3 occasioni clamorose con Ucce, Yari e Marchino Nari e subisce il contropiede avversario più volte. Il San Lazzaro arriva al pareggio con un eurogol di pinzo che scocca una fiaccola da fuori area su cui il portiere non può fare nulla. The San Lazzaro would also blow of the KO but Yari wasted tired. The draw takes on a small glimmer of hope, now we are united because whatever happens there is a season to end and all should honor this glorious shirt! CHILDREN UNDER

report cards ds
GREG 6 - 6 SHORT CRUST PASTRY PLIERS MAD 5.5 6.5 - 5.5 AB Furo NIOS 5 6 ORIO 5 (DIFF 6) NARI 5 - 5 YARI Uccea 5.5

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Milena Velba [bus Pickpocket]


Round "southeast"

Arci Cotton - ASD San \u200b\u200bLazzaro 1-1

Gigi Sport - GS Amat. MobilSoldi Suvereto 2-1

ASD Querceto - Uisp Venturina Calidario 0-2

A.S.D Saline - G.S Solvay Ponteginori 3 - 1

A.S.D Serrazzano - Enjoy Caffè 2 - 1

Milena Velba [bus Pickpocket]


Round "southeast"

Arci Cotton - ASD San \u200b\u200bLazzaro 1-1

Gigi Sport - GS Amat. MobilSoldi Suvereto 2-1

ASD Querceto - Uisp Venturina Calidario 0-2

A.S.D Saline - G.S Solvay Ponteginori 3 - 1

A.S.D Serrazzano - Enjoy Caffè 2 - 1

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Why Does My Expensive Computer Lag


... end of the damp in the bag.
Who knows that the separate collection of wet bag is where you put all kitchen scraps and then become still organic composting, good fertile soil that is used for new crops.

And this championship as different?
The experience comes from mistakes, setting or team building as they are, it would put their damp, because from here will revive another map, another chance to improve tactically (to set the formation for the game) and strategically (to build the team for the championship that is).
plastic, paper, aluminum and all that has been adequately treated, can be recycled is the place of the wrong players but reproposed after they have been properly trained or re-sold to raise cash to buy new ones and, hopefully, better. And
indifferentiation? Bots, no doubt, a team of "bottizzata" you can not recover anything, unfortunately. Congratulations to

Baulus's, and New RezzatoVeneto Say to the brilliant promotions, but also Ginux Lioness and the first year that eighth and sixth respectively in the center a more than deserved salvation. Incredible and also the failure to promote undeserved Callagan: Too many things have played against in a league that, on paper, would be dominated without appeal. Mah!

The last few games:

NVA 0-7 Bs-Baulus's
Callagan 4-1 senectus
Cervaro 3-2 Ginuxfc
FC 4-0 The Lioness Sangiovesa
Manunchester 2-3 1-6 Spartak RezzatoVeneto
Say New

Why Does My Expensive Computer Lag


... end of the damp in the bag.
Who knows that the separate collection of wet bag is where you put all kitchen scraps and then become still organic composting, good fertile soil that is used for new crops.

And this championship as different?
The experience comes from mistakes, setting or team building as they are, it would put their damp, because from here will revive another map, another chance to improve tactically (to set the formation for the game) and strategically (to build the team for the championship that is).
plastic, paper, aluminum and all that has been adequately treated, can be recycled is the place of the wrong players but reproposed after they have been properly trained or re-sold to raise cash to buy new ones and, hopefully, better. And
indifferentiation? Bots, no doubt, a team of "bottizzata" you can not recover anything, unfortunately. Congratulations to

Baulus's, and New RezzatoVeneto Say to the brilliant promotions, but also Ginux Lioness and the first year that eighth and sixth respectively in the center a more than deserved salvation. Incredible and also the failure to promote undeserved Callagan: Too many things have played against in a league that, on paper, would be dominated without appeal. Mah!

The last few games:

NVA 0-7 Bs-Baulus's
Callagan 4-1 senectus
Cervaro 3-2 Ginuxfc
FC 4-0 The Lioness Sangiovesa
Manunchester 2-3 1-6 Spartak RezzatoVeneto
Say New

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dri Glo Cloth Nappies


  6. LARI
  7. NARI
  10. NIOSI
  11. Ceccanti
  14. CURE
  15. CALLAO
  17. BY FABIO
  18. Gangitano

Dri Glo Cloth Nappies


  6. LARI
  7. NARI
  10. NIOSI
  11. Ceccanti
  14. CURE
  15. CALLAO
  17. BY FABIO
  18. Gangitano

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Getting Wrinkles Out Of Nylon


Ponteginori - SAN LAZZARO 2-1

is' yes, after the ugly defeat Ponteginori, the obligation is that of a fast response and above all see different team with a wild desire to win and not the ghost that we saw Saturday Ponteginori.

Fortunately, the results of the other fields, they gave us a great help otherwise we would be here in a comment campionato buttato via.

In campo Fabio in porta, Leo libero con Pinzo e Massi marcatori Ale e Nari sulle fasce, nel mezzo Giulino Furo e Ab, davanti la coppia Yari&Ucce, in panchina si rivedono alcuni volti importanti della squadra Picchia e Lucio. La squadra, pur avendo gli stessi giocatori è una lontana parente di quella che solo 7 giorni fa aveva asfaltato il Venturina. Passa un minuto e i padroni di casa sono già in svantaggio, Leo si fa sverniciare dall'esterno avversario che davanti porta può solo insaccare. San Lazzaro in confusione mentale non riesce a creare azioni e pericoli al Ponteginori che amministra il risultato. Al 15esimo brutto infortunio per Fabino, che in uscita si fa male al mignolo, sembrava una frattura, examinations but fortunately found a lussazizone, it will have for a month, good luck on the part of the whole team. In its place within Torello, time to resume the game that doubles the Bridge, Torello and out bad tumble on Massi, 8 of the bridge can only bag into an empty net, 2a0 Bridge.

Paul then immediately put into Lucius, instead of Ab, and the St. Lazarus tries to exploit the phenomenon, but is always played in high balls and it is easy for the careful defense of averting the dangers of the bridge, in the one blaze San Lazzaro passes into the recovery, Al flies to the right and tries a shot, a real raptor Uccea trajectory enters and puts into it.

The real disappointment in this game is was just the second time, when the team had to find the right drive to overturn the result, very few actions worthy of note, only kicks badly drawn. Bridge has played outnumbered most of the second half but the San Lazzaro was unable to find the legs to get a draw that would have been gold !!!!! In a final note also the mass expulsion for a second yellow card!.

Now everything depends on us, we play all 3 games! Since August we are working for our dream and now out of the balls already in the difficult game Saturday with cotton, this team has already shown that the difficulties it has proved able to react, and then Thursday all the training loads and Saturday to win at Piombino. FORZAAAA

Special thanks to all the fans who followed us Saturday cher!

Fabini 6 (TORO 5.5) 5 LEO (PICC 6) MASSI 5.5 PLIERS 6 NARI ALE 5 6 (SHORT CRUST PASTRY 6) AB 5.5 (LUCIO 6) Furo 6 (ORIO 6) GIULINI 5 5 YARI Uccea 6.5

Getting Wrinkles Out Of Nylon


Ponteginori - SAN LAZZARO 2-1

is' yes, after the ugly defeat Ponteginori, the obligation is that of a fast response and above all see different team with a wild desire to win and not the ghost that we saw Saturday Ponteginori.

Fortunately, the results of the other fields, they gave us a great help otherwise we would be here in a comment campionato buttato via.

In campo Fabio in porta, Leo libero con Pinzo e Massi marcatori Ale e Nari sulle fasce, nel mezzo Giulino Furo e Ab, davanti la coppia Yari&Ucce, in panchina si rivedono alcuni volti importanti della squadra Picchia e Lucio. La squadra, pur avendo gli stessi giocatori è una lontana parente di quella che solo 7 giorni fa aveva asfaltato il Venturina. Passa un minuto e i padroni di casa sono già in svantaggio, Leo si fa sverniciare dall'esterno avversario che davanti porta può solo insaccare. San Lazzaro in confusione mentale non riesce a creare azioni e pericoli al Ponteginori che amministra il risultato. Al 15esimo brutto infortunio per Fabino, che in uscita si fa male al mignolo, sembrava una frattura, examinations but fortunately found a lussazizone, it will have for a month, good luck on the part of the whole team. In its place within Torello, time to resume the game that doubles the Bridge, Torello and out bad tumble on Massi, 8 of the bridge can only bag into an empty net, 2a0 Bridge.

Paul then immediately put into Lucius, instead of Ab, and the St. Lazarus tries to exploit the phenomenon, but is always played in high balls and it is easy for the careful defense of averting the dangers of the bridge, in the one blaze San Lazzaro passes into the recovery, Al flies to the right and tries a shot, a real raptor Uccea trajectory enters and puts into it.

The real disappointment in this game is was just the second time, when the team had to find the right drive to overturn the result, very few actions worthy of note, only kicks badly drawn. Bridge has played outnumbered most of the second half but the San Lazzaro was unable to find the legs to get a draw that would have been gold !!!!! In a final note also the mass expulsion for a second yellow card!.

Now everything depends on us, we play all 3 games! Since August we are working for our dream and now out of the balls already in the difficult game Saturday with cotton, this team has already shown that the difficulties it has proved able to react, and then Thursday all the training loads and Saturday to win at Piombino. FORZAAAA

Special thanks to all the fans who followed us Saturday cher!

Fabini 6 (TORO 5.5) 5 LEO (PICC 6) MASSI 5.5 PLIERS 6 NARI ALE 5 6 (SHORT CRUST PASTRY 6) AB 5.5 (LUCIO 6) Furo 6 (ORIO 6) GIULINI 5 5 YARI Uccea 6.5

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sim City 4 1.1.638 Patch


Round "southeast"

GS Solvay Ponteginori - ASD San \u200b\u200bLazzaro 2-1

GS Amat. MobilSoldi Suvereto - ASD Querceto 2-0

Gigi Sport - ASD Serrazzano 1-0

Uisp Venturina The Calidario - ASD Saline 1-0

Enjoy Coffee - Cotton Arci 1-3

Sim City 4 1.1.638 Patch


Round "southeast"

GS Solvay Ponteginori - ASD San \u200b\u200bLazzaro 2-1

GS Amat. MobilSoldi Suvereto - ASD Querceto 2-0

Gigi Sport - ASD Serrazzano 1-0

Uisp Venturina The Calidario - ASD Saline 1-0

Enjoy Coffee - Cotton Arci 1-3

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fujifilm Fp-100c Polaroid 600

Il bastone e la carota

old trick of the carrot and stick approach, used when who has, or thinks he has the power and play the "fast and loose" with their subject (or assumed).
so happens to Hattrick, where the game engine has the power of the result and not a human being influenced by emotions, often determines the fate of a team simply roll the dice.
Some victories, such as certain Scoppola, can be explained only in this way, with the "whims" of those who have the power to change things to your liking without thinking that those who suffered them might even have a soul and a brain. Only with Hattrick
can not thank nor blame anyone you do, you start beating (or kissing) the PC screen?
Yet if they make a decision only at the end of the season and not at every game, things can be very different and perhaps closer to the right, or at least to the soundness of his judgments that we all want and seek. Unless you only play with those coffin, or with whom ... "ruby" ...

Ginux Heavy defeat against group winners sure now. Good Like a Lioness combative on the field of a direct competitor. Walk for RezzatoVeneto you do a spit-and Baulus Torello's seeing the goal starting from the most favorable position.
Victory and Title for New Dis (congratulations), unexpectedly the unfortunate defeat of Callagan that costs double just passing the wire.


Bs-Baulus's 6-1 Lombard
Babylon 1-0 Callagan
Ginuxfc 0-4 Fasoteam
front against a wall, this is what has happened to the players Gherghiu, really powerless against a defense impossible to pierce. Meanwhile, the opponents are already setting the team for next season in V, and the defense really is a bunker. Best wishes and congratulations to the coach after the game opponent. "We will try to finish well campionato sabato prossimo a Cervaro", commenta il rimeno strizzando l'occhio alla giornalista che lo intervista. Facile così, con la salvezza già in tasca. Diavolo d'un rumeno!
Cannonau 2-2 Leonessa
RezzatoVeneto 4-0 Torello
Nuova Dite 3-2 Acmito

Fujifilm Fp-100c Polaroid 600

Il bastone e la carota

old trick of the carrot and stick approach, used when who has, or thinks he has the power and play the "fast and loose" with their subject (or assumed).
so happens to Hattrick, where the game engine has the power of the result and not a human being influenced by emotions, often determines the fate of a team simply roll the dice.
Some victories, such as certain Scoppola, can be explained only in this way, with the "whims" of those who have the power to change things to your liking without thinking that those who suffered them might even have a soul and a brain. Only with Hattrick
can not thank nor blame anyone you do, you start beating (or kissing) the PC screen?
Yet if they make a decision only at the end of the season and not at every game, things can be very different and perhaps closer to the right, or at least to the soundness of his judgments that we all want and seek. Unless you only play with those coffin, or with whom ... "ruby" ...

Ginux Heavy defeat against group winners sure now. Good Like a Lioness combative on the field of a direct competitor. Walk for RezzatoVeneto you do a spit-and Baulus Torello's seeing the goal starting from the most favorable position.
Victory and Title for New Dis (congratulations), unexpectedly the unfortunate defeat of Callagan that costs double just passing the wire.


Bs-Baulus's 6-1 Lombard
Babylon 1-0 Callagan
Ginuxfc 0-4 Fasoteam
front against a wall, this is what has happened to the players Gherghiu, really powerless against a defense impossible to pierce. Meanwhile, the opponents are already setting the team for next season in V, and the defense really is a bunker. Best wishes and congratulations to the coach after the game opponent. "We will try to finish well campionato sabato prossimo a Cervaro", commenta il rimeno strizzando l'occhio alla giornalista che lo intervista. Facile così, con la salvezza già in tasca. Diavolo d'un rumeno!
Cannonau 2-2 Leonessa
RezzatoVeneto 4-0 Torello
Nuova Dite 3-2 Acmito

Friday, February 25, 2011

Period Before Period Starts

Ponteginori - SAN LAZZARO Ponteginori

  1. Gazzarri
  2. Gregorietti
  4. Gabellieri
  7. LARI
  8. NARI
  9. NIOS
  10. Ceccanti
  13. ROMANI
  16. CALLAI
  17. CUREA

Period Before Period Starts

Ponteginori - SAN LAZZARO Ponteginori

  1. Gazzarri
  2. Gregorietti
  4. Gabellieri
  7. LARI
  8. NARI
  9. NIOS
  10. Ceccanti
  13. ROMANI
  16. CALLAI
  17. CUREA

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mastebates With Electric Tooth Brush

checkmate VENTURINA


Un'altra grande vittoria per continuare a sognare

In un sabato quasi primaverile il SanLazzaro ospita il Venturina,compagine prima in classifica insieme ai nostri e al Saline,ancora una volta il Chiarugi si riempie di gente per sostenere la squadra e per i nostri è fondamentale cercare la vittoria per staccare gli avversari in classifica e restare matched to the modest home to Saline Querceto. The

SanLazzaro can not count on Frollo, disqualified, but recovered two basic elements such as boulders and Yari. The training prepared by Mr. Paul & Pinzo Fabini are in port, Leo-Mountain-Pinzo defensive trio, and MarcoNari AleLari ladder with Ab, Giulini and in the middle and Uccea Furo-duo Zlatan strike.

After several minutes of study, the game is taken in hand by attacking our right to right and touch the goal MarcoNari repeatedly with Zlatan, and Uccea Giulino but the door seems haunted Uccea also hit a pole outside on a beautiful cross from the next Furo, Yari touches the pole with a beautiful conclusion after driving away from beautiful shore Uccea from some corners there's conclusions, however, airlines do not find the path of the network and the final MarcoNari striking blow to the head and secure the defender is more than ready to host rejected in Split on the line. Guests do not create much thanks to the magnificent game played by falling sharply Mountain who wins the duel with 10 physical opponent, grabs and the usual security, Leo closes well and makes good Ab filter in the middle of the field. But the ball does not come in and despite an excellent first time our people go to rest upon the score of 0A0.

to shooting the script does not change, but guests are always saved, and sometimes with a little 'luck, and have always Zlatan Uccea to become dangerous, but their conclusions are continuously repeated, our attention continues to be behind but the situation can not be freed. A 15
the end comes for Furo Orio and takes a few minutes after the episode that takes us ahead, action Yari insisted on the right, defenders guests are trying to close with a series of clumsy deviations which end up putting the goalkeeper in difficulty who can not stop the ball leaving the ball out on the feet of Uccea door unguarded, our lively striker to get ready and find great joy on the mound of earth to the dressing rooms with Chiarugi large audience that celebrates the 1a0 SanLazzaro.

The host reaction is vehement and Fabini is really important with a shot on a paratona close up head and a courageous exit on the feet of 10 guest shot on the offside, indeed our very good goalkeeper in that moment of the answers to the great race, keeping clean sheets! The pressure

guest also opens the gates for good counterattacks with Zlatan sanlazzarini of that first wrong face to face with the goalkeeper and then a header from a fantastic cross from the left and slipped the MarcoNari 2a0 despite the desperate attempt to rescue a defender's guest. Log
also AlexLaLepre instead of AleLari, Giulino nearly 3a0 and 5 minutes of recovery awarded by the arbitrator is no room for the goal of 2a1, 10 guest who takes advantage of a indecisone Orio on the edge of and then also for the expulsion of the number 6 guest who intentionally strikes
Giulino from behind.

ends 2a1 for SanLazzaro which remains tied for first with Saline, winning at home with Querceto 4A0, next event is the trip to Ponteginori against a team that is always tricky in the house, it will once again SanLazzaro the last games and we'll see what comes out of the match that sees the Venturina host Saline.

Fabini - LEO 6 tongs 6 Ground 7 - ALE 6.5 6.5 Furo NARI 6 AB 6 (ORIO 5.5) GIULINI 6.5 (HARE 6)-YARI Uccea 7 7, 5

Mastebates With Electric Tooth Brush

checkmate VENTURINA


Un'altra grande vittoria per continuare a sognare

In un sabato quasi primaverile il SanLazzaro ospita il Venturina,compagine prima in classifica insieme ai nostri e al Saline,ancora una volta il Chiarugi si riempie di gente per sostenere la squadra e per i nostri è fondamentale cercare la vittoria per staccare gli avversari in classifica e restare matched to the modest home to Saline Querceto. The

SanLazzaro can not count on Frollo, disqualified, but recovered two basic elements such as boulders and Yari. The training prepared by Mr. Paul & Pinzo Fabini are in port, Leo-Mountain-Pinzo defensive trio, and MarcoNari AleLari ladder with Ab, Giulini and in the middle and Uccea Furo-duo Zlatan strike.

After several minutes of study, the game is taken in hand by attacking our right to right and touch the goal MarcoNari repeatedly with Zlatan, and Uccea Giulino but the door seems haunted Uccea also hit a pole outside on a beautiful cross from the next Furo, Yari touches the pole with a beautiful conclusion after driving away from beautiful shore Uccea from some corners there's conclusions, however, airlines do not find the path of the network and the final MarcoNari striking blow to the head and secure the defender is more than ready to host rejected in Split on the line. Guests do not create much thanks to the magnificent game played by falling sharply Mountain who wins the duel with 10 physical opponent, grabs and the usual security, Leo closes well and makes good Ab filter in the middle of the field. But the ball does not come in and despite an excellent first time our people go to rest upon the score of 0A0.

to shooting the script does not change, but guests are always saved, and sometimes with a little 'luck, and have always Zlatan Uccea to become dangerous, but their conclusions are continuously repeated, our attention continues to be behind but the situation can not be freed. A 15
the end comes for Furo Orio and takes a few minutes after the episode that takes us ahead, action Yari insisted on the right, defenders guests are trying to close with a series of clumsy deviations which end up putting the goalkeeper in difficulty who can not stop the ball leaving the ball out on the feet of Uccea door unguarded, our lively striker to get ready and find great joy on the mound of earth to the dressing rooms with Chiarugi large audience that celebrates the 1a0 SanLazzaro.

The host reaction is vehement and Fabini is really important with a shot on a paratona close up head and a courageous exit on the feet of 10 guest shot on the offside, indeed our very good goalkeeper in that moment of the answers to the great race, keeping clean sheets! The pressure

guest also opens the gates for good counterattacks with Zlatan sanlazzarini of that first wrong face to face with the goalkeeper and then a header from a fantastic cross from the left and slipped the MarcoNari 2a0 despite the desperate attempt to rescue a defender's guest. Log
also AlexLaLepre instead of AleLari, Giulino nearly 3a0 and 5 minutes of recovery awarded by the arbitrator is no room for the goal of 2a1, 10 guest who takes advantage of a indecisone Orio on the edge of and then also for the expulsion of the number 6 guest who intentionally strikes
Giulino from behind.

ends 2a1 for SanLazzaro which remains tied for first with Saline, winning at home with Querceto 4A0, next event is the trip to Ponteginori against a team that is always tricky in the house, it will once again SanLazzaro the last games and we'll see what comes out of the match that sees the Venturina host Saline.

Fabini - LEO 6 tongs 6 Ground 7 - ALE 6.5 6.5 Furo NARI 6 AB 6 (ORIO 5.5) GIULINI 6.5 (HARE 6)-YARI Uccea 7 7, 5

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Boxers Under Swimwear


Round "southeast"

ASD San \u200b\u200bLazzaro - Uisp Venturina Calidario 2-1

ASD Serrazzano - GS Solvay Ponteginori 3-1

Enjoy Coffee - Gigi Sport 0-2

Saline ASD - ASD Querceto 4-0

Arci Cotton - GS Amat. MobilSoldi Suvereto 1-1

Boxers Under Swimwear


Round "southeast"

ASD San \u200b\u200bLazzaro - Uisp Venturina Calidario 2-1

ASD Serrazzano - GS Solvay Ponteginori 3-1

Enjoy Coffee - Gigi Sport 0-2

Saline ASD - ASD Querceto 4-0

Arci Cotton - GS Amat. MobilSoldi Suvereto 1-1

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Phlem And Spit Taste Like Blood

-3 alla fine (e -2 a Carnevale)

Tre giornate alla fine per quel che resta della truppa di Hattrezzato, ma anche due settimane a Carnevale:niente scherzi!

Anteprima gol:
La situazione prima delle partite è, come si dice, molto fluida:
Callagana e Baulus difendono il primo posto, con buone se non ottime possibilità di riuscita, mentre Nuova Dite, con una vittoria, porterebbe a casa il titolo con il conforto della matematica.
Leonessa in cerca di una quasi certa salvezza, salvezza che invece Ginux ha già raggiunto e gioca per il terzo/quarto posto.

Novantesimo minuto:
Pareggia Ginux, vittoria e promozione per Nuova Dite.
Titolo sempre più in vista per Bs-Baulus e Callagana, vittoria tranquillizzante per Leonessa e RezzatoVeneto.

Casarulet 1-2 Bs-Baulus's
Callagana 3-1 Dielice
Maratony 2-2 Ginux
Ottimo pareggio in casa della diretta concorrente al terzo posto.
Grande prestazione dei ragazzi che han saputo contenere i più forti avversari e colpirli nelle poche occasioni che si sono presentate.
Sabato prossimo l'incontro proibitivo con la capolista ma ormai almeno il quarto posto e soprattutto la salvezza sono sicuri. Clap, clap!

Leonessa 1-0 Miscuglio

Entusiasmo a mille nello spogliatoio di Leonessa! La squadra di Zetterstal raccoglie il terzo successo di fila e proprio contro la prima della classe (per la quale arriva la prima sconfitta stagionale). Lontana la retrocessione, ora si punta al secondo posto! Fondamentale l'innesto a centrocampo del nuovo Mr. 7 star (non ho voglia di cercarmi il nome)
Victoria 1-4 New Tell
Dracon 3-4 RezzatoVeneto

Phlem And Spit Taste Like Blood

-3 alla fine (e -2 a Carnevale)

Tre giornate alla fine per quel che resta della truppa di Hattrezzato, ma anche due settimane a Carnevale:niente scherzi!

Anteprima gol:
La situazione prima delle partite è, come si dice, molto fluida:
Callagana e Baulus difendono il primo posto, con buone se non ottime possibilità di riuscita, mentre Nuova Dite, con una vittoria, porterebbe a casa il titolo con il conforto della matematica.
Leonessa in cerca di una quasi certa salvezza, salvezza che invece Ginux ha già raggiunto e gioca per il terzo/quarto posto.

Novantesimo minuto:
Pareggia Ginux, vittoria e promozione per Nuova Dite.
Titolo sempre più in vista per Bs-Baulus e Callagana, vittoria tranquillizzante per Leonessa e RezzatoVeneto.

Casarulet 1-2 Bs-Baulus's
Callagana 3-1 Dielice
Maratony 2-2 Ginux
Ottimo pareggio in casa della diretta concorrente al terzo posto.
Grande prestazione dei ragazzi che han saputo contenere i più forti avversari e colpirli nelle poche occasioni che si sono presentate.
Sabato prossimo l'incontro proibitivo con la capolista ma ormai almeno il quarto posto e soprattutto la salvezza sono sicuri. Clap, clap!

Leonessa 1-0 Miscuglio

Entusiasmo a mille nello spogliatoio di Leonessa! La squadra di Zetterstal raccoglie il terzo successo di fila e proprio contro la prima della classe (per la quale arriva la prima sconfitta stagionale). Lontana la retrocessione, ora si punta al secondo posto! Fondamentale l'innesto a centrocampo del nuovo Mr. 7 star (non ho voglia di cercarmi il nome)
Victoria 1-4 New Tell
Dracon 3-4 RezzatoVeneto

Friday, February 18, 2011

Doujin-moe Members Login


  1. Gazzarri
  2. Gregorietti
  3. WHITE
  5. Gabellieri
  6. LARI
  7. NARI
  8. Sarper
  10. SULCIS
  13. NIOS
  14. Ceccanti
  15. CALLAO
  17. Gangitano
  18. Delogu

Doujin-moe Members Login


  1. Gazzarri
  2. Gregorietti
  3. WHITE
  5. Gabellieri
  6. LARI
  7. NARI
  8. Sarper
  10. SULCIS
  13. NIOS
  14. Ceccanti
  15. CALLAO
  17. Gangitano
  18. Delogu

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What To Write In A Bosses Wedding Card

Schiff has returned to Bologna

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
INFORMATION edition of Bologna
p. 22 culture and entertainment

Vincenzo track

What To Write In A Bosses Wedding Card

Schiff has returned to Bologna

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
INFORMATION edition of Bologna
p. 22 culture and entertainment

Vincenzo track

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

House Warming Invitations Bible Verse


analyze the last 5 days of the Championship, where four teams will clash for the final victory. It will be a final full of clashes Thrilling Direct.

in capitals are the away games:

SAN LAZZARO: 18 pts venturina - Ponteginori - COTTON - enjoy - QUERCETO

SALINE: 18 pts oak-VENTURINA - Ponteginori-Serrazzano - gigi

VENTURINA: 18 pts SAN LAZZARO - salt - oak - SUVERETO - Ponteginori

Ponteginori 17 pts Serrazzano - San Lazzaro - SALINE - cotton - VENTURINA

who will win the day??

House Warming Invitations Bible Verse


analyze the last 5 days of the Championship, where four teams will clash for the final victory. It will be a final full of clashes Thrilling Direct.

in capitals are the away games:

SAN LAZZARO: 18 pts venturina - Ponteginori - COTTON - enjoy - QUERCETO

SALINE: 18 pts oak-VENTURINA - Ponteginori-Serrazzano - gigi

VENTURINA: 18 pts SAN LAZZARO - salt - oak - SUVERETO - Ponteginori

Ponteginori 17 pts Serrazzano - San Lazzaro - SALINE - cotton - VENTURINA

who will win the day??

False Id Consequences



Derby top rank at Chiarugi, host of San Lazzaro slipped to second place in the Saline Mr. Bocco that comes from solitary leaders con 18 punti. Partita fondamentale per gli amaranto che devono assolutamente vincere per riprendere il Saline.

C'è un pubblico mai visto al Chiarugi, l'atmosfera è quella della grandi occasioni e anche la posta in palio è di fondamentale importanza per i ragazzi dei mister Pinzo&Paolo. Il SanLazzaro è ancora una volta abbastanza rimaneggiato,infatti oltre ai soliti infortunati, Zlatan è a letto malato,Massiccio ci prova nel riscaldamento ma la caviglia dolente non li permette di scendere in campo,Lucio è sempre in Romania,Picchia in montagna e Beppe è fermo per un problema al ginocchio.

I mister schierano Fabino in porta,Frollo libero con Leo e Pinzo marcatori,i rientranti AleLari e MarcoNari sulle fasce,Furo-Ab‑Orio in mediana con Giulino libero di svariare in appoggio all'unica punta Ucce.

Il Saline parte deciso e pressa nella nostra metà campo provandoci con conclusioni dalla distanza che non impensieriscono l'attento Fabino,i nostri dopo alcuni minuti di studio iniziano a prendere in mano il centrocampo con Furo che recupera tanti palloni,Ab che oltre ad occuparsi del Gugliotta riesce a far girare bene palla,Orio che da sostanza e MarcoNari che sulla destra mette in difficoltà la retroguardia salinese.

Verso la metà del tempo si sblocca la partita,Ab recovers a ball in the midline, and runs deep to Uccea that physical is the space between the opposing defense and the right to cross beat the goalkeeper, 1a0 Chiarugi and delirious with the goal of true idol of the fans sanlazzarini! !

Guests seem to acknowledge the hit and are hit for the second time after a few minutes, toss with tachometer Orio MarcoNari to that from the edge of the door still sticks to the 2a0 of us, they rise from the gallery backing vocals on songs for a really great support for our class!!

At this point the guests react and win some corners consecutive one of which the Hulk back off the highest of all and for the trick Fabini 2a1, the rearguard, however, does not grant anything to the guests and the first portion closes with SanLazzarino deserved advantage.

The guests share a strong recovery, the game is still on, with continuous change of heart, our suffering only on dead-ball and one of these midfielder Zanza Europol is the distance that is the draw, 2a2, cold shower for our need to roll up their sleeves to get back in the lead.

With the match on the result of a tie there in the Measuring-input field and saw a great Torello free-kick from distance osptie Zacchaeus who hit the post full-Fabini beat but very ready to retrieve the ball after the riveted wood.

Uccea is a very busy and nearly headed goal after a beautiful cross from MarcoNari, 15 by the end Uccea always tries from the edge and his powerful right-intercept is rejected with the shoulder-arm Pierelli, the referee awards the penalty, cautions the defender for the second time host for the second time and warned that even Frollo captain had taken in the penalty area only to remind the referee to penalize the defender host, however, so decide the race director, in 10 teams, maximum punishment for SanLazzaro, MarcoNari displaces the goalkeeper and back to its advantage in the general jubilation.

Now Pinzo Leo and close every gate helped by Torello and defender added Giulino brings its freshness athletic repeatedly leaving their opponents in speed, until you find the right gate and places the ball behind the goalkeeper for the network of 4 to 2 that definitively closes the game.

San Lazzaro with a big heart can take home a great victory against an ever Saline dome, so we must thank our fans who helped us a lot to reach this important result for the rest of the season. Now three teams to 18 points e il Ponte dietro da quarto incomodo, sarà un grande finale di campionato.

Noi non ci sediamo sugli allori, sabato arriva un altra prima della classe il Venturina, che all'andata ci fece patire, ci piacerebbe che ci fosse il tifo di sabato. Il Gruppo è unito e per sabato tutti abbiamo in testa un solo risultato!!! FORZA AMARANTO


False Id Consequences



Derby top rank at Chiarugi, host of San Lazzaro slipped to second place in the Saline Mr. Bocco that comes from solitary leaders con 18 punti. Partita fondamentale per gli amaranto che devono assolutamente vincere per riprendere il Saline.

C'è un pubblico mai visto al Chiarugi, l'atmosfera è quella della grandi occasioni e anche la posta in palio è di fondamentale importanza per i ragazzi dei mister Pinzo&Paolo. Il SanLazzaro è ancora una volta abbastanza rimaneggiato,infatti oltre ai soliti infortunati, Zlatan è a letto malato,Massiccio ci prova nel riscaldamento ma la caviglia dolente non li permette di scendere in campo,Lucio è sempre in Romania,Picchia in montagna e Beppe è fermo per un problema al ginocchio.

I mister schierano Fabino in porta,Frollo libero con Leo e Pinzo marcatori,i rientranti AleLari e MarcoNari sulle fasce,Furo-Ab‑Orio in mediana con Giulino libero di svariare in appoggio all'unica punta Ucce.

Il Saline parte deciso e pressa nella nostra metà campo provandoci con conclusioni dalla distanza che non impensieriscono l'attento Fabino,i nostri dopo alcuni minuti di studio iniziano a prendere in mano il centrocampo con Furo che recupera tanti palloni,Ab che oltre ad occuparsi del Gugliotta riesce a far girare bene palla,Orio che da sostanza e MarcoNari che sulla destra mette in difficoltà la retroguardia salinese.

Verso la metà del tempo si sblocca la partita,Ab recovers a ball in the midline, and runs deep to Uccea that physical is the space between the opposing defense and the right to cross beat the goalkeeper, 1a0 Chiarugi and delirious with the goal of true idol of the fans sanlazzarini! !

Guests seem to acknowledge the hit and are hit for the second time after a few minutes, toss with tachometer Orio MarcoNari to that from the edge of the door still sticks to the 2a0 of us, they rise from the gallery backing vocals on songs for a really great support for our class!!

At this point the guests react and win some corners consecutive one of which the Hulk back off the highest of all and for the trick Fabini 2a1, the rearguard, however, does not grant anything to the guests and the first portion closes with SanLazzarino deserved advantage.

The guests share a strong recovery, the game is still on, with continuous change of heart, our suffering only on dead-ball and one of these midfielder Zanza Europol is the distance that is the draw, 2a2, cold shower for our need to roll up their sleeves to get back in the lead.

With the match on the result of a tie there in the Measuring-input field and saw a great Torello free-kick from distance osptie Zacchaeus who hit the post full-Fabini beat but very ready to retrieve the ball after the riveted wood.

Uccea is a very busy and nearly headed goal after a beautiful cross from MarcoNari, 15 by the end Uccea always tries from the edge and his powerful right-intercept is rejected with the shoulder-arm Pierelli, the referee awards the penalty, cautions the defender for the second time host for the second time and warned that even Frollo captain had taken in the penalty area only to remind the referee to penalize the defender host, however, so decide the race director, in 10 teams, maximum punishment for SanLazzaro, MarcoNari displaces the goalkeeper and back to its advantage in the general jubilation.

Now Pinzo Leo and close every gate helped by Torello and defender added Giulino brings its freshness athletic repeatedly leaving their opponents in speed, until you find the right gate and places the ball behind the goalkeeper for the network of 4 to 2 that definitively closes the game.

San Lazzaro with a big heart can take home a great victory against an ever Saline dome, so we must thank our fans who helped us a lot to reach this important result for the rest of the season. Now three teams to 18 points e il Ponte dietro da quarto incomodo, sarà un grande finale di campionato.

Noi non ci sediamo sugli allori, sabato arriva un altra prima della classe il Venturina, che all'andata ci fece patire, ci piacerebbe che ci fosse il tifo di sabato. Il Gruppo è unito e per sabato tutti abbiamo in testa un solo risultato!!! FORZA AMARANTO


Does My Scorpio Man Love Me


Girone "Sud/Est"

A.S.D San Lazzaro - A.S.D Saline 4 - 2

G.S Amat. MobilSoldi Suvereto - A.S.D Serrazzano 1 - 1

A.S.D Querceto - G.S Solvay Ponteginori 0 - 1

Uisp Venturina Il Calidario - Enjoy Caffè 5 - 1

Gigi Sport - Arci Cotone 0 - 2

Does My Scorpio Man Love Me


Girone "Sud/Est"

A.S.D San Lazzaro - A.S.D Saline 4 - 2

G.S Amat. MobilSoldi Suvereto - A.S.D Serrazzano 1 - 1

A.S.D Querceto - G.S Solvay Ponteginori 0 - 1

Uisp Venturina Il Calidario - Enjoy Caffè 5 - 1

Gigi Sport - Arci Cotone 0 - 2

Monday, February 14, 2011

Can I See Kutumb Episodes Online?

Don't worry, be happy!

Occasionally step here, I throw an eye e. .. "okay, then upgrade, and shooting straight.

is coming this way with the blog carnival and we are still stuck at Christmas. Indeed
Hattrick joke there somewhere and is doing the news there.

So I look and see that Villar and Virle are bottizzate, Scarwars was blocked for reasons difficult to understand as much as misplaced. And the others? New
Say Baulus and run for the title, Lioness, and RezzatoVeneto Ginux seeking confirmation. Sharpen Callagan
place at the head and the promotion at hand but with management in turmoil.
This is the classic situation, said the Roman, is say, "mo 'Famo that?"
We continue, of course!
Do not worry, be happy!

Can I See Kutumb Episodes Online?

Don't worry, be happy!

Occasionally step here, I throw an eye e. .. "okay, then upgrade, and shooting straight.

is coming this way with the blog carnival and we are still stuck at Christmas. Indeed
Hattrick joke there somewhere and is doing the news there.

So I look and see that Villar and Virle are bottizzate, Scarwars was blocked for reasons difficult to understand as much as misplaced. And the others? New
Say Baulus and run for the title, Lioness, and RezzatoVeneto Ginux seeking confirmation. Sharpen Callagan
place at the head and the promotion at hand but with management in turmoil.
This is the classic situation, said the Roman, is say, "mo 'Famo that?"
We continue, of course!
Do not worry, be happy!

Friday, February 11, 2011

What To Do To Make Our Voice Sweet

Saturday, 12/02 19:30 Republic of Bologna!

What To Do To Make Our Voice Sweet

Saturday, 12/02 19:30 Republic of Bologna!