Monday, February 21, 2011

Mastebates With Electric Tooth Brush

checkmate VENTURINA


Un'altra grande vittoria per continuare a sognare

In un sabato quasi primaverile il SanLazzaro ospita il Venturina,compagine prima in classifica insieme ai nostri e al Saline,ancora una volta il Chiarugi si riempie di gente per sostenere la squadra e per i nostri è fondamentale cercare la vittoria per staccare gli avversari in classifica e restare matched to the modest home to Saline Querceto. The

SanLazzaro can not count on Frollo, disqualified, but recovered two basic elements such as boulders and Yari. The training prepared by Mr. Paul & Pinzo Fabini are in port, Leo-Mountain-Pinzo defensive trio, and MarcoNari AleLari ladder with Ab, Giulini and in the middle and Uccea Furo-duo Zlatan strike.

After several minutes of study, the game is taken in hand by attacking our right to right and touch the goal MarcoNari repeatedly with Zlatan, and Uccea Giulino but the door seems haunted Uccea also hit a pole outside on a beautiful cross from the next Furo, Yari touches the pole with a beautiful conclusion after driving away from beautiful shore Uccea from some corners there's conclusions, however, airlines do not find the path of the network and the final MarcoNari striking blow to the head and secure the defender is more than ready to host rejected in Split on the line. Guests do not create much thanks to the magnificent game played by falling sharply Mountain who wins the duel with 10 physical opponent, grabs and the usual security, Leo closes well and makes good Ab filter in the middle of the field. But the ball does not come in and despite an excellent first time our people go to rest upon the score of 0A0.

to shooting the script does not change, but guests are always saved, and sometimes with a little 'luck, and have always Zlatan Uccea to become dangerous, but their conclusions are continuously repeated, our attention continues to be behind but the situation can not be freed. A 15
the end comes for Furo Orio and takes a few minutes after the episode that takes us ahead, action Yari insisted on the right, defenders guests are trying to close with a series of clumsy deviations which end up putting the goalkeeper in difficulty who can not stop the ball leaving the ball out on the feet of Uccea door unguarded, our lively striker to get ready and find great joy on the mound of earth to the dressing rooms with Chiarugi large audience that celebrates the 1a0 SanLazzaro.

The host reaction is vehement and Fabini is really important with a shot on a paratona close up head and a courageous exit on the feet of 10 guest shot on the offside, indeed our very good goalkeeper in that moment of the answers to the great race, keeping clean sheets! The pressure

guest also opens the gates for good counterattacks with Zlatan sanlazzarini of that first wrong face to face with the goalkeeper and then a header from a fantastic cross from the left and slipped the MarcoNari 2a0 despite the desperate attempt to rescue a defender's guest. Log
also AlexLaLepre instead of AleLari, Giulino nearly 3a0 and 5 minutes of recovery awarded by the arbitrator is no room for the goal of 2a1, 10 guest who takes advantage of a indecisone Orio on the edge of and then also for the expulsion of the number 6 guest who intentionally strikes
Giulino from behind.

ends 2a1 for SanLazzaro which remains tied for first with Saline, winning at home with Querceto 4A0, next event is the trip to Ponteginori against a team that is always tricky in the house, it will once again SanLazzaro the last games and we'll see what comes out of the match that sees the Venturina host Saline.

Fabini - LEO 6 tongs 6 Ground 7 - ALE 6.5 6.5 Furo NARI 6 AB 6 (ORIO 5.5) GIULINI 6.5 (HARE 6)-YARI Uccea 7 7, 5


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