Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fujifilm Fp-100c Polaroid 600

Il bastone e la carota

old trick of the carrot and stick approach, used when who has, or thinks he has the power and play the "fast and loose" with their subject (or assumed).
so happens to Hattrick, where the game engine has the power of the result and not a human being influenced by emotions, often determines the fate of a team simply roll the dice.
Some victories, such as certain Scoppola, can be explained only in this way, with the "whims" of those who have the power to change things to your liking without thinking that those who suffered them might even have a soul and a brain. Only with Hattrick
can not thank nor blame anyone you do, you start beating (or kissing) the PC screen?
Yet if they make a decision only at the end of the season and not at every game, things can be very different and perhaps closer to the right, or at least to the soundness of his judgments that we all want and seek. Unless you only play with those coffin, or with whom ... "ruby" ...

Ginux Heavy defeat against group winners sure now. Good Like a Lioness combative on the field of a direct competitor. Walk for RezzatoVeneto you do a spit-and Baulus Torello's seeing the goal starting from the most favorable position.
Victory and Title for New Dis (congratulations), unexpectedly the unfortunate defeat of Callagan that costs double just passing the wire.


Bs-Baulus's 6-1 Lombard
Babylon 1-0 Callagan
Ginuxfc 0-4 Fasoteam
front against a wall, this is what has happened to the players Gherghiu, really powerless against a defense impossible to pierce. Meanwhile, the opponents are already setting the team for next season in V, and the defense really is a bunker. Best wishes and congratulations to the coach after the game opponent. "We will try to finish well campionato sabato prossimo a Cervaro", commenta il rimeno strizzando l'occhio alla giornalista che lo intervista. Facile così, con la salvezza già in tasca. Diavolo d'un rumeno!
Cannonau 2-2 Leonessa
RezzatoVeneto 4-0 Torello
Nuova Dite 3-2 Acmito


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